Assetto Corsa EVO Early Access Delayed Until 2025

Mercedes 190E.jpg
Mercedes 190E. Image: Kunos Simulazioni
The Board of Directors of the Digital Bros Group has approved the latest Financial Statement as of June 2024, consequently condemning Assetto Corsa EVO's early access to January 2025.

Assetto Corsa EVO is one of the most hotly anticipated sim racing titles of 2024, but it looks like fans of the franchise are going to have to wait for the new year to try Assetto Corsa EVO.


Front page of the financial statement detailing Assetto Corsa EVO's delay. Image: Digital Bros

Unfortunately, this is not the first delay for the title. The original release was rumoured to be Spring, 2024 which was then delayed to late 2024. Following this further delay, the game is looking like it is being refined and not just pushed out to the market, which if you look a the financial situation of Digital Bros, is really good to see considering the less-than-ideal situation.

If you want to trawl through the latest financial reports that come alongside the Assetto Corsa EVO delay, check out the latest Digital Bro's Board of Directors post on their website.

Assetto Corsa EVO is vitally important for the sim racing landscape, and this delay will not come as great news for a lot of sim racers. However, it is great to see that the team behind Assetto Corsa EVO are not being forced to release the game despite it not being ready. Look to Test Drive Unlimited: Solar Crown as an example of how badly a launch can go if your game is not ready to hit the market.

What do you think about the Assetto Corsa EVO delay? Let us know down in the comments.
About author
Connor Minniss
Website Content Editor & Motorsport Photographer aiming to bring you the best of the best within the world of sim racing.


i dont know what the future of Digital Bros Group's finances are gonna be.
but what should i know.
Neither do i but if they were that bad this game would be being rushed to the public to try bring some money in. There is at some point going to be a crash in the gaming market. Far too many small companies going out of their way spending money they dont have to try compete with the big dog companies that are selling massive amounts of games while the quality is falling and theyre becoming lazy. They just have good marketing teams behind them to push the sales.
I wish Kunos would communicate something. They put up the Steam page with some eyecandy in June, then silence. Now there is a financial statement leak to confirm the game is going to be delayed. Again silence from Kunos. I mean I get it, they don't want to build the hype half a year before release only to delay again. But a little something would be nice. Even with ACC, everyone is in the dark wether the last patch was the end of the line or is there still more support for the sim.
I wish Kunos would communicate something. They put up the Steam page with some eyecandy in June, then silence. Now there is a financial statement leak to confirm the game is going to be delayed. Again silence from Kunos. I mean I get it, they don't want to build the hype half a year before release only to delay again. But a little something would be nice. Even with ACC, everyone is in the dark wether the last patch was the end of the line or is there still more support for the sim.
Sorry for OT but is this 1.9 patch a nightmare like many people say? I give up with ACC long time ago. I would give it a try again but I don't want to download it for 10 minutes. If it's bad then I give up forever with ACCUE5 and just wait for ACEvo (probably 2 years as I don't believe in 2025 release).
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So we may not get it before Putin nukes the planet!


Extra dev time can only be a good thing for Kunos fans who are buying into this blind, gutted at the news but 4 extra weeks isn't horrendous. More dev time means, more content in the base version we get, plus more time to update physics etc etc. So all is not lost.
I wish Kunos would communicate something. They put up the Steam page with some eyecandy in June, then silence. Now there is a financial statement leak to confirm the game is going to be delayed. Again silence from Kunos. I mean I get it, they don't want to build the hype half a year before release only to delay again. But a little something would be nice. Even with ACC, everyone is in the dark wether the last patch was the end of the line or is there still more support for the sim.
They don't owe anyone anything. Not even an explanation. They're clearly working hard behind the scenes on the game they don't need to waste time putting out statements to impatient people.
Well, I'm even more excited now. It's just heightened my anticipation, it isn't even very long to wait.
AC is my most played game ever, I must have done +1000 hours just hot lapping. I'm hoping Evo is pretty much just an updated modern AC.
I don't care. I want it to be as good as possible, if it takes 6-12 months extra - so be it!
Quality over speed!!!
There is a massive chance that AC Evo will experience the same as rFactor 2 indeed.
Definitely it will not. First of all I think there is slim chance it will be as ambitious as rF2. The more I learn about rF2, the more I see how incredibly crazy and far forward looking they were. And then they failed a lot to have a sim with satisfying amount of branded good quality base content, the sim was way too demanding for most of computers back then, it was massively rushed and unfinished.

#1 lesson to take from rF2 for Kunos is that people don't give a damn about all that depth of simulation... hell, they even got that lesson with ACC. What they need to do is to be definitely better than modded out AC. Have good content, drive similarly with slight "improvements" in perception of average guy, whatever that could mean. Sound a lil better. And also must look better.

There is almost zero chance AC2 could fail. Unless they will play it too safe, and will not have balls to be disliked for giving some lesser complimenting simulation experiences/features making driving too demanding, whatever that could mean - right ? Even then it might be an actual win, because "boys just want to have fu-un", as Cyndi Lauper sang in the 80s.

I wonder what they figured out to do with modding, as it was said they plan to have some control over it or something like that ? I think that is a good thing.

Back to rF2... nobody ever again will try to reach so far and so much again, as it was so deeply unfortunately for all of us showed that gamers just doesn't need all that. Or can't and won't notice.
Fine, in all honestly I am in no hurry. I hope that this means we will see some additional content for ACC in the meantime.
nobody ever again will try to reach so far and so much again
And the legend of the so called superiority of RF2 lives again.
No proof, no evidence, just the usual believe me bro as I am one of the connoisseur. With the new twist, the superiority is so deep no one can see it! Really!

Beside a few Die hard aficionado particularly persistent here on RD/OT, no one cares about RF2 and even less believe it is superior to anything in any way.

Decent physic and decent FFB in a very messy package.

I enjoy it myself, but not often as I and many others have found a better SIM solution to enjoy our passion for simulation.

AC Evo will not likely fail, not because it is less ambitious than RF2, but because Kunos knows how to produce SIM that are great to play. They did it with AC, they did it again with ACC.
Not by cutting corners delivering a mess of a SIM but by fine craftsmanship and dedication to their customers.

All that said I genuinely hope you are enjoying the heck of RF2, at least as much as I enjoy AC, ACC and anticipate to enjoy AC Evo ( whatever it will be).
Club Staff
I really didn't mean to start a "my sim has a bigger pe...engine than your sim" discussion

AC Evo will not likely fail, not because it is less ambitious than RF2, but because Kunos knows how to produce SIM that are great to play. They did it with AC, they did it again with ACC.
Not by cutting corners delivering a mess of a SIM but by fine craftsmanship and dedication to their customers.

You could say the exactly same about ISI though. Sports Car GT, F1 2000, 2001, 2002 & F1 Challenge, NASCAR Thunder 2003 and 2004 and then rFactor. Not all of them would be classics, but there weren't really any bad games there.

What I meant with my initial post is that Kunos need to take enough step forward in features and possibly complexity to make whatever price worth it. At the same time, if it is too complex and tricky, many modders will fall off. That's what happened with rF -> rF2 in terms of modding. Many just gave up, and kept modding for rF1, and then Assetto Corsa came along, filling the gap with simpler modding than rF2 and better graphics than rF1 (and rF2)
I’m actually not disappointed that ACEvo is delayed. This extra time allows for fine-tuning the experience, ensuring that when it finally arrives, it will be even better.
What I meant with my initial post is that Kunos need to take enough step forward in features and possibly complexity to make whatever price worth it
Not sure they need, but I would love it if they do. Even if we have great choices of SIM today with the like of AC, RF2, ACC, AMS2 and the latest addition LMU, they can all be better in almost any way.
Bringing a new offer is an opportunity for Kunos to push the boundaries one way or the other.
If history teach us anything, if anyone can, Kunos can do it.

Although I love AC most of all the other and modding is the ingredient that makes it a great offering, my second choice is ACC with zero mod, once S397 delivers a great VR, I can see LMU being my number 3, again no mod necessary.

Is modding still even necessary to have a great SIM experience in 2024?
At this point I do not see any sim in development that would make the AC, RF2, GTR2 or AMS1 not relevant and good enough as a solution delivering on what modding can bring.

I am not waiting and expecting AC Evo to replace AC as my main Sim software, if it brings me a detailed, focused, accurate and highly enjoyable experience like ACC or LMU, I am all in.

To me, AC, today, with the whole CM/CSP/Pure enchilada is as 2024/25 as anything out there if not more. :)
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Not surprised, I mean, it is almost october and we only got few pictures of the game at this point.
And the legend of the so called superiority of RF2 lives again.
No proof, no evidence, just the usual believe me bro as I am one of the connoisseur. With the new twist, the superiority is so deep no one can see it! Really!

Beside a few Die hard aficionado particularly persistent here on RD/OT, no one cares about RF2 and even less believe it is superior to anything in any way.

Decent physic and decent FFB in a very messy package.

I enjoy it myself, but not often as I and many others have found a better SIM solution to enjoy our passion for simulation.

AC Evo will not likely fail, not because it is less ambitious than RF2, but because Kunos knows how to produce SIM that are great to play. They did it with AC, they did it again with ACC.
Not by cutting corners delivering a mess of a SIM but by fine craftsmanship and dedication to their customers.

All that said I genuinely hope you are enjoying the heck of RF2, at least as much as I enjoy AC, ACC and anticipate to enjoy AC Evo ( whatever it will be).

rF2 is, and can be pretty great. It is unfortunate that people can't see through mess, garbage, reputation. There actually is too little content in rF2 that even does half decent job of revealing what that sim really is. If they would have ever even spent at least tiny bit of time properly finishing gJed, which should have enabled way easier and efficient modding.... A good example was series of track mods from sVictor, through pure mastery of numerous free softwares and insane amount of time he managed to introduce several LilSki and Fat Alfie level tracks mods to rF2. I would like to say that rF2 never got a 3rd party car mod that actually fully proves what that sim does. A series of "ifs" prevented that sim from shining as it should have. Biggest "if" is universal to every sim - simpleminded or wrong minded simracers, that knows nothign and wants to know less - literally. However, have to be thankful that it did go as far as it did. Meybe it is not yet the end ?

I was not even about rF2 in the first place, and how great it is. But about how simracers just don't register anything valuable and meaningful, and has their system based on "they say it is very quality, much ffb, wow I have "x car" in my hands, I am so cool right now, wooohooo". Ultra fans to me are not even on a level of human beings, because they filter out anything critical about their thing, and anything uplifting about "foreign" thing. So that route is not even worth talking.

It is all about fun. But there are not much thought and ideas in it anymore. The fun has to be instantaneous, it is hated if it needs to be worked up to, it is up to debate on subtle details, because cars genuinely shouldn't handle like crap - maybe except few, roads shouldn't be overly bumpy - maybe except a few. But to talk about subtle details at first there needs to be genuine interest. Getting hands on hundreds of different cars and giving them 10-15minutes of tryout time, with mediocore driving skills, without any look about how real car actually was and what should be expected from it - thats not a genuine interest. This is much like dating a different girl everyday - what you are going to learn about her, what are you going to learn about women except of how to take a first ride ? Although there are guys out there who drives stuff for months, and never notices either details that are proving the greatness of a simulation, greatness of car simulated, just as much as they can't see that it might also be just a crap - car model ripped, physics of entirelly different car with minor changes that also happens to break it, sounds from entirelly different car and entirely different engine - but maybe it is a TRUE LOVE after all ? Just be simple and chill - be happy, lets go monke.

Oh on that note also - best possible simulation a dev can make, is as mediocore as it can get. So that it could sit on a top of bell curve. Everyone will be happy. Everyone will something little better. But no one will feel an extreme dislike. AC was/is not mediocore enough IMO (I think that it is pretty damn good sim), could have been even more successful if it was unbrained a little.
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Some interesting things here then:
So, is it going to be EA now? And that talk "will be released when it is ready"?
People are getting very hyped, having very high expectations and Kunos has responsibilities because they say nothing, or better, Marco said it's gonna be incredible.
Some people think the development of this game started last year, but they are wrong, it began in 2019, it is no short time.
Mods are not going to be very easy like AC, Marco already said they want to have some extra control of it this time.

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Connor Minniss
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