Column: Has EA Killed WRC With Latest Anti-cheat Update?

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Images: EA Sports
In the latest EA Sports WRC update, 1.9.0, the new EA anti-cheat technology was added. Security issues and privacy violations have been listed as just two of the potential issues with this new mandatory anti-cheat update.

EA Sports WRC has been in hot water ever since the latest update dropped on PC. The update included the latest variant of EA's anti-cheat that ruins the online aspect of WRC for Steamdeck users and potentially compromises every PC that the game is installed on...


Hyundai Rally1 WRC.

What is the new EA anti-cheat?​

The truth about the EA anti-cheat is that is it what is known as 'Kernel malware'. This virus is installed with an external program, like a video game, and gives the owner full access to a PC.

EA has specifically stated that the technology will be limited to just the anti-cheat abilities. Unfortunately, EA does not have a good track record with their invasive game updates. The security of the EA anti-cheat is also a huge risk. The program links all accounts together, so if a hacker gets in they will have access to any data they want.

Flocks of players are leaving and uninstalling the game because of this security risk. EA Sports has yet to remove this new invasion of privacy, but with players actively rioting on X, surely it is only a matter of time?

Is This a Security Risk?​

The short answer is, it could be. The power of this anti-cheat Facaded malware is that it latches onto your PC from its core. It has access to all of your files, folders and even website cookies and history. It could corrupt your files or even worse, your operating system. This would effectively write your PC off and everything on it as well.

EA have a history of weak coding protection protocols and an even worse reputation for general security. These breaches could have catastrophic consequences in a worst-case scenario. For a more detailed breakdown of this software, check out the video below.

So what is the fix? It is as simple as you are thinking. Revert the system and remove the kernel malware from the game and the player's PC. Nobody signed up to have this software installed on their computer when they bought the game, so EA needs to rethink its implementation of this anti-cheat software.

Broken Platforms and Features​

The other major impact this update has is on SteamDeck players. This new update completely breaks the game for those users. This new anti-cheat is a fully built-in house piece of software that replaces and removes the title's compatibility with anything that isn't Windows, like Linux and SteamOS for example.

The other big hit is for the VR players. VR was one of the flagship aspects of the game throughout its first few months. With a game as immersive and detailed as WRC, not fixing the VR issues is a massive slap in the face for those who play the game in that way.

We really want to hear from you, our community, about how this will affect your opinion of EA and their WRC game as a whole. Let us know in the comments below!
About author
Connor Minniss
Website Content Editor & Motorsport Photographer aiming to bring you the best of the best within the world of sim racing.


What don't we know about this system. We are agreeing to open a door to our private system. We are not being provided with the implications or extent of what we are giving away.

Would you give the keys to your house to a stranger? Saying you have other systems which are also causing a risk so it's ok is not a great argument. You already drive on the roads which is dangerous, so why not remove your baking tin without oven gloves.

STOP accepting this violating of your sovereignty.
So what is this really about? The EA update installs a security risk on your computer? Which IT expert made this judgement? And is this anti-cheat software also in other EA games such as the F1 games? Are there any known victims where malicious people have taken control of their PC?
This all seems very relevant to me to be able to judge whether there really is a security risk or just a very exaggerated suspicion. Not only for WRC but also for other EA games.
I... don't really get the comments here.
Would you rather have cheaters when playing in Multiplayer and no anti-cheat, or have an anti-cheat and a highly reduced chance of cheaters?
I mean, the same anticheat is already implemented in F1 24 and it worked perfectly fine when we were testing the Beta.

If people want, EA has provided a decent length article about why are they doing this some weeks ago:

And not to mention EA have now mentioned Esports for the game's future.
I... don't really get the comments here.
Would you rather have cheaters when playing in Multiplayer and no anti-cheat, or have an anti-cheat and a highly reduced chance of cheaters?
I mean, the same anticheat is already implemented in F1 24 and it worked perfectly fine when we were testing the Beta.

If people want, EA has provided a decent length article about why are they doing this some weeks ago:

And not to mention EA have now mentioned Esports for the game's future.
If I have any doubts about the security risks of EA software, information from EA itself does not seem very reliable or credible to me. I would rather hear it from an independent IT security expert. And the link goes to an error showing a big "500" ....
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Had already uninstalled anyway before the patch ... if it was a decent game would have endured the anti cheat...not for a "cheat" game ..
I... don't really get the comments here.
Would you rather have cheaters when playing in Multiplayer and no anti-cheat, or have an anti-cheat and a highly reduced chance of cheaters?
I mean, the same anticheat is already implemented in F1 24 and it worked perfectly fine when we were testing the Beta.

If people want, EA has provided a decent length article about why are they doing this some weeks ago:

And not to mention EA have now mentioned Esports for the game's future.
The way the coded the game into unreal Engine is beyond sub par , E Sports on this is a waste of time.. forget about that.. E Sports doesn't care about enjoyment anyway !!
I’f people really care, they should complain to the authorities , as I’m pretty sure it breaks some EU law. EA are already in trouble in the UK so this would just add to the list

I uninstalled game after a few hours as VR wasn’t great.

But does it now get flagged by antivirus software?
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I am not very clever with computers, but am concerned about the uproar here. The last thing I need is for any computer crash as I do not have the understanding to repair it. If I just uninstall the game, which has not been played since the update, am I safe, or do I have to return the computer to a state before the updated, which again I do not know how to do?
My experience with EA WRC has not been good so far, I agree DR2 is better, but I have kept EA WRC in the hope it will improve.
Help please.
This is a common dilemma the vast majority are in simply because they don't devote enough of there computer life to OS installs and other boring stuff. imho you should be able to do fresh OS and have everything exactly as you left it in 2 hours. Average user it will take days to finalize.

How many combos of hardware, devices, drivers, OS settings and subsequent behaviour is there, millions.

It is like someone never used ISIMotor, they expect rF2 and LMU to behave the same as other sims.
It can and it does for me and others but you have to spend the time, simple as that.
People get a refund in 2 hours have no clue of what is required.
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This is a common dilemma the vast majority are in simply because they don't devote enough of there computer life to OS installs and other boring stuff. imho you should be able to do fresh OS and have everything exactly as you left it in 2 hours. Average user it will take days to finalize.

How many combos of hardware, devices, drivers, OS settings and subsequent behaviour is there, millions.

It is like someone never used ISIMotor, they expect rF2 and LMU to behave the same as other sims.
It can and it does for me and others but you have to spend the time, simple as that.
People get a refund in 2 hours have no clue of what is required.

Well said...

That's the problem for a lot of people... Far too many treat their PC like an Xbox or PS5... They also expect a simple game that's easy to set up... When those ISIMotor products are watered down professional simulations, that for the life of me S397 never puts a decent default install setting into...

If they want to make those titles more accessible they'd have the defaults on potato mode... But that gives them the opposite problem of people will high end PCs having potato graphics to show the world as there's just as many lazy people with high end machinery...

Which isn't as good for marketing, but I think it would create far less issues for the company if people could tune things into it with the settings, rather than have to figure out what is causing issues...
All my pc install's from gaming to machien contrllers etc have shadow volumes, i pick a spot where its all perfect and clone the drives to the shadow. if the proverbial sh1t hits the fan I swap nvme's im back up in under 10 minutes.
You can rant until flowers grow out of a chimpanzee's ass.
The person sitting in the office on the top floor doesn't care one bit.
The game was sold a million times for around 30 euros. The numbers don't have to be right.
They're just an example.
The only thing that interests this gentleman is the one million for 30 euros.
The rest doesn't matter to this gentleman.
People, this is Electronic Arts.
But hey, maybe EA has changed its business practices, which have been known for decades, because we,
a tiny insignificant group of gamers, are waiting for a serious rally game.
From EA?
I'm laughing my head off.
You hoped and you were completely kicked in the testicles and some of you are waiting for the next kick in the things between your legs. I can only shake my head.
The next racing game I'm going to buy is definitely not even in the planning stages or it is being kept completely secret. In any case, it must include a fully operable VR cockpit.
I have played all of these games. I can remember these at least.
Indianapolis 500, Grand Prix 1- 4 incl Season 2000 Add-on, Stunt Car Racer,
Indycar Racing 1&2 incl. Trackpack, Nascar Racing, Viper Racing, Grand Prix Legends, DTM (Toca) Race Driver,
the 24 Hours of LeMans, GT Legends, RFactor, GTR2, AC and AMS2. Since 1987.
That's 18 racing games in 37 years.
So on average a new one every 2 years. Apart from Stunt Car Racer, not much new has been added.
The control unit has changed. From the joystick to the steering wheel.
Although there was already one for the Amiga back then.
A steering wheel with gyroscope scanning for Grand Prix. It just wasn't much use.
There is nothing that could convince me to buy a racing game without this VR cockpit feature.
The software companies in the flight simulator sector are probably simply better or they stand behind their product or they just want their target group, which does not number several million, to be completely happy. There is something like that. It is probably standard there, just like good VR support when released.
They have no reservations about using technology that not every player uses. But they implement it.
The main thing in sim racing is that a 1000 Euro steering wheel with hundreds of buttons is offered again that only moves the X axis of the joystick. But my 150 Euro F1 steering wheel can do that too.
But everyone has to decide for themselves.

I still wish everyone, no matter where you are, a nice weekend with your loved ones
9000 words to point out what is already known, It's a discussion, on a platform which exists for discussions, and the only thing that matters to EA is money.

Not quite grounds for laughing a head off.
I am not very clever with computers, but am concerned about the uproar here. The last thing I need is for any computer crash as I do not have the understanding to repair it. If I just uninstall the game, which has not been played since the update, am I safe, or do I have to return the computer to a state before the updated, which again I do not know how to do?
My experience with EA WRC has not been good so far, I agree DR2 is better, but I have kept EA WRC in the hope it will improve.
Help please.
As long as you don't run it then the anti-cheat won't be installed.

If you're not going to play it then you might as well uninstall it. Just be aware that if you want to reinstall it at a later date then it'll be a nearly 100GB download. Depending on your internet connection this could be painful, especially if you also have data caps.
I just uninstalled it. The update probably kills the livery mods that I spent hours of making, and the game itself isn't as optimized as DR2.0.
As long as you don't run it then the anti-cheat won't be installed.

If you're not going to play it then you might as well uninstall it. Just be aware that if you want to reinstall it at a later date then it'll be a nearly 100GB download. Depending on your internet connection this could be painful, especially if you also have data caps.
Thanks very much for your reply. I haven’t opened the game since the update, so I should be safe. Do you think it’s worth leaving it installed until / if EA decides to release a further update deleting the anti-cheat?
I don’t want to waste a game which is generally getting better slowly.
If you've got the storage space then yes, but remove any shortcuts you've got for WRC to prevent you from accidentally launching it.

Even if you do launch it I don't think you'll actually have any problems. Most of the complaints I've seen where people are having trouble is simply that the game won't launch correctly, or they get a crash to desktop, and the PC itself is not actually affected.
Steam should refund if you mention kernel-access anti-cheat being added after the purchase. And if not, then theres always credit card charge back.
Well, your Steam account is certainly gone when you're doing a chargeback.

What don't we know about this system. We are agreeing to open a door to our private system. We are not being provided with the implications or extent of what we are giving away.

Would you give the keys to your house to a stranger? Saying you have other systems which are also causing a risk so it's ok is not a great argument. You already drive on the roads which is dangerous, so why not remove your baking tin without oven gloves.

STOP accepting this violating of your sovereignty.
But you're doing the exact same thing whenever you're launching a program with admin rights on your PC...

I am not very clever with computers, but am concerned about the uproar here. The last thing I need is for any computer crash as I do not have the understanding to repair it. If I just uninstall the game, which has not been played since the update, am I safe, or do I have to return the computer to a state before the updated, which again I do not know how to do?
My experience with EA WRC has not been good so far, I agree DR2 is better, but I have kept EA WRC in the hope it will improve.
Help please.
You don't need to do anything. There is no security risk of relevance.

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Connor Minniss
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