Column: Automobilista 2 Multiplayer Development - A Waste of Time?

Automobilista 2 Multiplayer.jpg
Image: Reiza Studios
Without doubt, Automobilista 2 is currently a predominantly singleplayer racing game. So should communities and Reiza itself be spending time developing its Multiplayer functionality?

A few weeks ago, Brazilian game developer Reiza Studios announced its collaboration with a group of online ranked racing platforms in a bid to improve online multiplayer functionality in Automobilista 2.

With the likes of iRacing and Le Mans Ultimate finding strength in online racing, every modern racing title is now seemingly on the hunt for a similar experience.

The plan, according to the Brazilian Studio, is to enable AMS2 to work well on platforms such as Low Fuel Motorsport and Just Race. Whilst these third-party organisations do the bulk of the work to implementing the game onto their services, Reiza will also endeavour to improve net code and connectivity ensuring online racing is a smoother process in the game.

A fantastic idea on paper, it leaves me wondering if this is all just a big waste of time for both Reiza and the platforms looking to run the game. Here is my thought process, but make sure to tell me how wrong I am in the comments below.

Automobilista 2: A Massively Singleplayer Game​

Ever since its launch, Automobilista 2 has seen little to no online racing presence beyond the few communities using the title for their leagues. Open lobbies exist in the game, and yet scroll through the list of online races and seldom will you spot entries exceed single digits.

Certainly, this will in part be due to the minimal development strides made into optimising key features like net code and race organisation. But ultimately, from every aspect, the game screams single player. Just take a look at how Reiza describes the game on its official website and you will see what I mean.

Not only is the first headline "Race Anything Anywhere Anyhow" very much a boot-up-and-go style of gameplay only really accessible through a single player sandbox. But scroll down and notice that AMS2's endgame - in other words, the main goal - is to put together "the most comprehensive and true-to-life career mode ever designed for a racing game."

But it is not just marketing that reflects the title's single player ethos.

Far From Multiplayer Content​

iRacing, Assetto Corsa Competizione and Le Mans Ultimate. The three biggest online racing games in the industry do not just have cool buzzword titles in common. In fact, take a look at their content lists - or in iRacing's case, content lists of the most popular series - and you will spot a certain familiarity.

Le Mans Ultimate is a game all about the premier sportscar racing championship featuring GTE cars, LMP2 and Hypercar blending LMDh and LMH rulesets.

Hypercars are very popular and predominant in sim racing.

Hypercars are very popular and predominant in sim racing. Image: Studio 397

Assetto Corsa Competizione upon its launch was a title focusing on the GT World Challenge Europe. Though since then, has grown to feature all sorts of SRO-managed GT classes, the most popular being GT3 cars.

Finally, iRacing may feature a huge spread of content ranging from Dirt Oval racers to Formula One cars. But arguably the most popular series, GT Sprint and IMSA, both feature GT3 machinery whilst the latter includes a multiclass aspect with the addition of LMDh cars to form GTP and LMP2.

In the current sim racing sphere, there is no denying the popularity of sportscar racing, no doubt thanks to the advent of the real world's so-called Golden Era. Whilst Automobilista 2 does feature a selection of LMDh models and modern GT3 cars, I would argue these are not the cars that attracts the title's die hard fan base.

Instead, those that return to AMS2 do so for the depth of historically accurate racers and the circuits to go with them. No, the Brazilian racing game is not a serious massively online experience, it is a way for true motorsport fans to relive different eras from the sport's past. Although the latest development blog hints at a growth in modern sportscar offerings, the majority of content releases also push the game further down its rabbit hole of classic motorsport that, in my opinion, struggles to captivate an online audience.

AMS2 Classic F1.jpg

Automobilista 2 is increasingly about the classics. Image: Reiza Studios

Who Races Classics Online Anyway?​

The original Assetto Corsa is another racing game with a strange relationship with online racing. For a while now, it has featured on a collection of ranked racing platforms. But rarely would one think of the third party content creator's heaven as an online title.

When you do see proper online racing in the game that features almost any car and track combination you could think of, they tend to be a return to the standard GT3 and Spa mix that any other game can do.

As aforementioned, iRacing has a wide array of car classes in its content selection, some even throwing back to forgotten times like the Nissan GTP ZX-Turbo or host of Classic Lotus F1 machines. However, the most popular road racing series consistently combine the same three categories that also make up the bulk of modern motorsport on the real stage.

Historic content in iRacing is far from popular

Historic content in iRacing is far from popular. Image:

Clearly then, the Venn Diagram of historic content fanatics and online racers is one with about as much intersection as one combining hay fever sufferers with the great outdoors in Spring.

Why a Waste of Time?​

Okay, I admit it. Describing the developer's desire to develop multiplayer functionality further as a waste of time may be a slight exaggeration. If the title can satisfy both the single player community and the few online racers that will choose AMS2 as their go-to, it is the best of both worlds.

But as the upcoming update, yet another physics overhaul, points out is that Automobilista 2 is still in heavy development. Engine discoveries and tweaks, content releases, feature implementations are all part of the daily process it seems within the Reiza team. So adding yet another task onto the seemingly long chore list may well slow down development on those updates on fans' wish lists.

1990s DTM in AMS2.jpg

Single player classics is why I return to Automobilista 2. Image: Reiza Studios

As a predominantly single player racer myself, I am extremely intrigued by the promise of an in-depth career mode spreading across disciplines, continents and eras. Furthermore, AI adjustments are something I would love to see come to the game, especially in race craft scenarios. But if the tweaks Reiza is planning for online competition later become larger changes or take longer than expected, it is yet another spanner in the works.

What do you think about the prospect of an online-focused Automobilista 2? Let us know on Twitter @OverTake_gg or in the comments below!
About author
Angus Martin
Motorsport gets my blood pumping more than anything else. Be it physical or virtual, I'm down to bang doors.


The quality of life features listed above would be a huge boon to MP racing with a few friends. Being able to fire up a session, send out a few invites and start racing in a few mins is great.

However...if you want to restart the race you can't, so you end up restarting at a random grid spot. Once that's fixed we can enjoy qualifying without fear of wasting time if a restart is needed.

Lots of small things like that will make a huge difference and will be the things that keep the game going for years.

Adding support for custom AI in MP would be another cool thing for P2P lobbies.
Unfortunately Sim Racing is not like a First Person Shooter or a MMORPG that you have million tittles to play, and this "column" suggest that is a waste to give a decent online mode to one of the few games we have? A waste is to allow such absurd opinion to be published.
Would very much prefer if they instead made ghosting optional, made SC available in all events, re-introduced correct F1 start procedure and implemented correct DRS rules per series. All offline. Just my perspective of course ;)
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Personally I have little interest in multiplayer at the moment and am a big fan of AMS2 partially because it's got good support for single player features - I have 100 Euros of ACC content on my Steam wishlist that I'll likely never buy because they won't do features like customising grids for offline play. So for all I care, Reiza could rip it out completely.

However, I completely get that my preference is just my own and a lot of people are quite the opposite, so I'd be very surprised if it made good business sense not to get some of the more 'standard' multiplayer features up, running and stable.
For me, team enduros are what drew me into SIM racing, specifically after visiting the 24h Spa. Bearing that in mind always enjoy a Spa 24 with GT3s.

That being said, I love driving the older car and track combos in SIMs where they're available, If a situation came up where I could organise a classic 24h and get numbers it would mega, think 80s Le mans with group Cs, Spa pre GT era or N24 with early 2000 DTM V8s and GTs *feels warm inside*
I don't know... I barely play MP in AMS2 but it was really fun to when I did (some races with caterhams were crazy!) . So I'm glad it is there and happy they are working on improving it.
I personally don't care at all about online racing. That said, I bought AMS2 at launch and it is my least played sim. Maybe this GAME CHANGING UPDATE will remedy that. Until then I will enjoy AMS1. Reiza really knocked that one out of the park. Brilliant work they did with AMS1.
AMS2 dedicated server already allow you to:
- Restart a session
- Advance a session
- Kick a player
- Redo entry list in case of a crash
- Stop making Random connected people the server

- Ballast and restrictor
- Driver swaps ( so much endurance content)

Yet it's so convoluted that no league I've been in has figured out how to do anything but kick the wrong person in that "already allows you to" list... Even ones with devs in them that could help...

I've been in 1 random open lobby which had a restarted race that's it... Other then that "it's restart the lobby time, sorry guys" in almost 2 years of regular racing over numerous leagues...

And the main reason for numerous leagues, constant disconnects since 1.5 causing low numbers and league admins choosing to run other titles... Whilst before 1.48 it was all about trying to find a league where I didn't experience massive warps... The warps became less often, but the disconnects and syncing issues became far more often...
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I am a casual MP player and find that AMS2 works quite well when I jump into a lobby for a quick race...not a lot of choice there for us in Australia, but it's good enough for me so far. I do like the lobbies in RF2 or ACC better when I have the time.
The multiplayer developments are massively needed for AMS2 in my opinion. It is probably even more important than further physics development at this point (in my opinion). If they can get a more reliable multiplayer platform in place, plus LFM onboard, I think the title can really take off.

In terms of physics, it is actually in a really good place. Since the 1.5 milestones, the driving experience is fantastic right now I would say. Not perfect but no SIM ever is. And yes it drives different to ACC.. Well so does iracing. Most SIMS feel somewhat different.

I am really excited for the multiplayer developments and 1.6 physics update. And no they are not a waste of time.
As long as the AI makes such bad and long pitstops and loses at least 15 seconds at a pitstop, it's not even a "massively singleplayer game"
I don´t race much online, but i love the time i spent on racecraft online.
The idea to fill the grid with AI is brillant.
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Yet it's so convoluted that no league I've been in has figured out how to do anything but kick the wrong person in that "already allows you to" list... Even ones with devs in them that could help...

I've been in 1 random open lobby which had a restarted race that's it... Other then that "it's restart the lobby time, sorry guys" in almost 2 years of regular racing over numerous leagues...

And the main reason for numerous leagues, constant disconnects since 1.5 causing low numbers and league admins choosing to run other titles... Whilst before 1.48 it was all about trying to find a league where I didn't experience massive warps... The warps became less often, but the disconnects and syncing issues became far more often...
There are two ways of hosting MP races in AMS2: using dedicated server and hosting from within the game (P2P).
I believe that most leagues are hosting trough P2P where one player (league owner for example) is running a server from it's own game instance.

I don't know much about hosting AMS2 races from within the game, but with dedi you have web ui and web api to interact with where you can kick/ban player, advance/restart session just by cliking button on the web page or by sending request to web api.

Taking connection stability out of the equation, the AMS2/PC2 dedicated server IMO has quite nice dedi tools/api compared to any other mondernish sim on the market like ACC, AC or R3E. By no means AMS2 dedi tools are perfect, but for sure there are useful.
But keep in mind that I am looking at it from the perspective of the person who interacts with dedi in programmatic way only, so other people millage can vary.

And really we don't experience massive disconnects anymore, it was the case year ago. Now, as I've already said, we have 5% disconnection rate per driver on average, I know few guys who maybe have lost 1% of their connections and I don't remember when was the last time I've lost connnection to server (except during our ams2 dedi stress tests).

As for the warps and syncing issues.
Once in a while I see one guy who is warping from place to place, but imo it's due to his high ping and it's quite rare. I can see blinking guys on iRacing too, so it's a common issue imo.

As for syncing, some of our users are posting screenshots of very close wheel to wheel racing where there is almost no gap between the cars, so imo it's possible to fight wheel to wheel on AMS2 MP.
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I like online racing in general and in AMS2 in particular, except for one thing - it's very hard to find a session right now. If AMS2 will have a clear schedule of races, it will be very good. But just so it's not limited to GT3 and F1, I like historical series and not very fast cars.

p.s. No needed AI in online!
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They shouldn't fix anything. They should cash the profits and focus on next half-baked game like plenty of others in the industry.

The fact that they still digging deeper in Madness makes me love Reiza even more.

Dear Reiza, please ignore such blatant click-baits and carry on doing what you're great at. And never stop. :inlove:
In 2024 a sim racing game MUST have a proper structured online platform.
This article is the waste of time.

Also... did you mention Le Mans Ultimate as one of three best multiplayer sims out there? REALLY?
You truly did that? An unfinished game in Early Access with no VR yet and, *especially*, with no private lobbies and server capabilities for leagues? REALLY?
Even GT7 does better than LMU in multiplayer and it is a console game.
And AMS2 has an healthier multiplayer than LMU already - not that it would take much to it, admittedly.
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Angus Martin
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