Next Level Racing Launches Movember Charity Initiative

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Sim hardware manufacturer Next Level Racing has launched their Movember charity initiative in support of research supporting men’s health.

The team at Next Level Racing posted a video on their official YouTube channel announcing their charity event supporting research for the prevention and treatment of men’s health afflictions. The Movember event challenges men to grow a moustache through the month of November to raise awareness for this charity event.

A link is provided below for where you can donate to this cause. Next Level Racing will match the total donation up to AUD 5,000. Any contribution helps, so whether you can donate $1, $10 or $100, collectively we can smash the matched donation total.
Click this link to donate to the Next Level Racing Movember charity initiative.

An overwhelming majority of sim racers are men, and sadly many of us will be afflicted by what Movember seeks to improve, specifically mental health and prostate or testicular cancer. Millions around the world have joined the Movember movement, and even if you can’t support by growing a moustache or donating financially, we would appreciate you spreading the word about this initiative to your community. This is a chance for us to invest in our future health.
About author
Mike Smith
I have been obsessed with sim racing and racing games since the 1980's. My first taste of live auto racing was in 1988, and I couldn't get enough ever since. Lead writer for RaceDepartment, and owner of SimRacing604 and its YouTube channel. Favourite sims include Assetto Corsa Competizione, Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Automobilista 2, DiRT Rally 2 - On Twitter as @simracing604


My father finished 2nd to liver cancer in 2005. Pretty sure it cheated though. He was a motor sports nut. He loved Mario Andretti (he didn't like Michael though, funny enough), A.J. Foyt, all of the Unsers, Jackie Stewart (without fail he'd say it like "Jackie Stoooooooooowurt" in a bad Scottish accent. Every. Single. Time.), Ronnie Peterson, Emerson Fittipaldi (although he had a rant at the tv when Emo drank OJ instead of milk after winning Indy like tradition dictates), Keke Rosberg, and Nigel Mansell. He would've loved these modern racing sim/games & would no doubt have been hounding me to let him help with advice on the setups.

Anyway all that is to say motorsports, real or sim, are awesome, cancer sucks, donation made in memory of my father.
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Before donating any money to charity I like to see what the organization does with the money received.
This "Movember" organization seems to support projects only in english speaking countries. And their website is only in english.
Before donating any money to charity I like to see what the organization does with the money received.
This "Movember" organization seems to support projects only in english speaking countries. And their website is only in english.
Don't misconstrue this as me supporting the charity in any way, I don't know what they are about either, but I'm not sure why they should be supporting projects in non-English speaking countries or have a non-English website. Would you prefer if they were French speaking?
How fitting, I just started growing moustache hair strangely enough.
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It's really good to see these initiatives take place. Even better to become more common. Physical health is something you can "see" better than mental health so mental issues need to be more 'normalised'. Awareness is therefore important. Action is by all means crucial but even more pivotal is acceptance. Because without it many men may not decide to take action. Coming from a conservative culture I've seen how the lack of acceptance of men's mental issues creates a steep hillclimb towards realising help is needed, even more reaching out. Which means for some it comes too late, with dire consequences.

Gloomy feelings and edgy emotions are to be taking seriously, like oil leaking under an engine. Don't let it chug away. You can start by talking to your friends and loved ones. And certainly to your physician. Reach forth, but also back to those who reach out to you. Mental health is an endurance race, you need a crew to win it.

So, don't keep things inside and grow a mustache. :coffee:
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Given the shambles the NHS in the UK is in you'll be waiting a while for any action. It's been literally 5 months since I was told I'd be getting a hospital appointment for a check up. The letter basically said we'll call you at some point as there's a backlog. If you've got the money, go private and get checked out.
It's meant to be that you shave on November first, and grow a mustache all month, and try to raise money. I did it one year. Usually I don't bother now. I will try it this month though. I only gave up because people don't do it. Movember doesn't advertise well. Not like the breast cancer people.

*I did it the first year I heard about it (maybe the first year it came around.) It may have changed since then.
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Good stuff. Young males need to see more support from good role models and more good men out there. Too little of that these days. Good fathers are desperately needed for youngsters but have been pushed out of the picture thanks to our culture having gone sideways for a while. Men are great.

Good initiative gents. :)

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Mike Smith
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