The iconic 1990's milestone Games franchise, Screamer, is set to make a return in 2026. The franchise returns in the form of a story-driven racing game that is based on animated cutscenes and a futuristic racing style.
Created in collaboration with Japanese animation studio Polygon Pictures and featuring the famous vocal abilities of industry superstar Troy Baker, Screamer will be available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and S, as well as on PC.
The cutscene artstyle of Screamer
With plot themes of human will, revenge, love, and greed, Screamer aims to reimagine the sci-fi genre of racing. Despite this game being a revival of a successful title, sci-fi racing titles have crashed and burned in 2024. EXOCross is the primary example. Will Screamer swiftly follow upon release?
Screamer aims to put players in the middle of a clash between the character's desires and external forces that seek to control them. The story unfolds through the eyes of a cast of characters involved in a street racing tournament organized by a mysterious figure, of whom you will discover the identity towards the end of the game.
All of the story promises and the sci-fi setting do sound interesting. An anime-style futuristic arcade racing game is indeed a brave choice, but the audience that played that original title is undoubtedly excited. For new fans, the idea of a futuristic setting when racing could be a big sticking point.
New renders of cars included in Screamer are starting to appear
What do you think about this reimagination of Screamer? Is it an arcade title you could see yourself trying out, or will it follow the same pathway as EXOCross did? Let us know in the comments below!
Created in collaboration with Japanese animation studio Polygon Pictures and featuring the famous vocal abilities of industry superstar Troy Baker, Screamer will be available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and S, as well as on PC.
The cutscene artstyle of Screamer
With plot themes of human will, revenge, love, and greed, Screamer aims to reimagine the sci-fi genre of racing. Despite this game being a revival of a successful title, sci-fi racing titles have crashed and burned in 2024. EXOCross is the primary example. Will Screamer swiftly follow upon release?
Screamer aims to put players in the middle of a clash between the character's desires and external forces that seek to control them. The story unfolds through the eyes of a cast of characters involved in a street racing tournament organized by a mysterious figure, of whom you will discover the identity towards the end of the game.
All of the story promises and the sci-fi setting do sound interesting. An anime-style futuristic arcade racing game is indeed a brave choice, but the audience that played that original title is undoubtedly excited. For new fans, the idea of a futuristic setting when racing could be a big sticking point.
New renders of cars included in Screamer are starting to appear
What do you think about this reimagination of Screamer? Is it an arcade title you could see yourself trying out, or will it follow the same pathway as EXOCross did? Let us know in the comments below!