I think it's funny...
First I want to say that I respect everyone's opinion, being, of course, consistent... So, I respect the opinion of the comrade who applied a star at work, but I don't think it was coherent and, therefore, I can't help but express myself.
I got to know Caribstu's work, as well as himself, recently, and we can't consider ourselves friends yet, but we have tried to help each other with some doubts and, in view of this approximation, I have been observing his work more closely, in particular the excellent Docklands circuit! I'm an RF rider and not GTR2, but I ended up downloading the Docklands track and converting it to RF, such was the admiration I had for the track! (I'm not going to post the conversion to RF, I just did it for myself, for my use).
Well, as I'm watching his work more closely, I've seen this one star applied, and I honestly don't see any reason for such an assessment, so I'm sorry, but there was a lack of coherence in that, as he didn't qualify the track... on the contrary, it disqualified a track that he didn't even see because there was some problem at the entrance causing CTD... I see in the history that several downloads were made, and only two complained about the problem which Caribstu was willing to support.
Anyway, in RD people end up manifesting themselves very little, but manifesting themselves wrongly the way this guy manifested himself is something that bothered me a lot! Of course, it bothered the author as well. I think some don't know the effort, the time, the dedication and so on of those who do something for the games, whether it's a simple texture, let alone an entire circuit. For this reason, I came to give my stars, not only as support to a comrade who has already done several circuits, but for the work presented in video that is maginific, showing a well set up and challenging track and also because I downloaded it and observed it in 3dsimed and it is very well worked, like all the works I have been observing by this author. And that's how we qualify a track, observing it in aesthetics and functioning, and if it shows the track working in the video it's because it works, right?! So, for me, it's a 10, all stars for Caribstu! And zero for the boy who had the misfortune to perform badly; He didn't respect the author and that was unfortunate, yes!
However, I'm at a loss to understand why because the NIGHT.DDS is packed into the map.gtr and should be in most users' shared skies gtr anyway. Strange. There are certain generic mats such as start light glows, horizons, skies which are packed into all my tracks. It's so strange on this one some users have had this Night.dds problem.
I asked Jeff and Walead to run traces just to be certain it was the same Night.dds issue causing their CTD, and not something else.
But Thank you Sergio for taking time to review the track and post the mediafire link for others. Now you've confirmed the same cause as the user on Trackaholics we can now say confidently this is the probably cause for anyone else getting CTD and your mediafile fix will rectify the problem.
So thank you Sergio.