Everything is pretty much perfect except career. Rounds 3 and 6 do not work by default because of a mistake in their .ini files. To fix this:
1) Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\content\career\series_fc1_2009_championship\event3\event.ini and open it with Notepad.
2) Under [RACE], change TRACK to ks_nurburgring and change CONFIG_TRACK to layout_gp_a.
3) For Silverstone (Round 6), go to the same directory, but go to \event6 instead. Open event.ini in Notepad and change TRACK to ks_silverstone and CONFIG_TRACK to gp.
Now both of those events should be working normally like the other 4. Enjoy!
I agree! i has a nice mechanical/aerodynamic grip combination.