This updates enables the use of highLOD for tyre and chassis geo, further it gives the option to load high textures instead of low.
This mod can now replace vlasovas' High LOD Improvements mod, which could not load highLOD for DLC cars (only for their tyres).
The mod contains three folders:
1 - Normal Driver Specific Livery (like in v 1.2)
2 - Driver Specific Livery with High Quality Tyre and Chassis Geo
3 - Driver Specific Livery with High Quality Tyre, Chassis and Liveries
Make your choice (I recommend #3 only for people with good PCs) and read the readme.
Credits for carlodsettings.xml go to @vlasovas
Tyre and Chassis Geo before:
Tyre and Chassis Geo after:
Chassis and Livery Quality before (far)
Chassis and Livery Quality after (far)