Twitch chat

Twitch chat 0.1

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Twitch chat

What the app do ?

It's provide to a streamer the abilities to have the online chat of his channel and reply with in-game app.

How it's work ?
It's using IRC api and URL api of twitch.

What are the features ?
-Chat message from stream channel
-Color lines by nickname ( 13 different colors)
-Reply from in-game
-Scroll the chat (scroll up , scroll down , scroll end)
-See status of stream (offline if not you will see the number of viewer of current stream)

How i can install it ?
Download latest Archive zip file.
Extract it on the app folder (default is : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\apps\python )
go into the twitch folder extracted and edit the ini file following the comment instruction.
host =  ;irc host for twitch api
port = 6667  ;Port of twitch irc(6667 or 443 for ssl)
nick = youre_username   ; username in lowercase
pass = youre_oauthkey ; in example : oauth:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx generate from here :
chan = #youre_username;  in lower case with # before channel name
Don't let comment on ini file

For generate you're oauth key go there :

the chan name is basically the streamer username prefix by a #

Is there any issue ?
Since it's the first release i only know one.
After 5 second startup of the game the app auth to Twitch URL API that's freeze (or high cpu occupancy) for some second (2 second in my case) before getting back to normal.
So don't panic it's seem "normal"
As soon as i found a fix i will upload a new version.

Can i ask for feature ?
You can but i not guarantee i'm going to do it depending on difficulty and scope of the app

Can i thanks you ?
you can it's always welcome.

you can also buy me a bee using the donation button.

Any other question is welcome too

Latest reviews

Worked like a charm after I downloaded Helicorsa.
Great for VR :)
Works perfect for me
I made some little changes on the .py file to make it smaller, and now it's perfect
@rafffel can you please give me a hint on how to use a bigger font size? thanks
Works fine with content manager, install app, go to settings apps twitch, fill in the boxes, use the link for the oauth, and you good to go. I have helicorsa installed, so cant advise if this is a requirment or not, but i would install it anyway as it a great app, or you can just turn it of fin game pr move it off screen etc. Only issue so far is font colours and font type. but its the best on i have tried yet with out a **** ton of dicking about and just works nice n simple.If the font could be altered or made a little thicker/cleaner then it would be a 5 star from me, great work
Broken mod. Don't bother and use OVRToolKit, you're welcome.
added all information still can't get it to work. Is there better instructions
can't get it to work.... more detailed instructions to configure this app would be nice
In order for this to work I had to remove lline 5 Import URL LIB request from
its good only thing stopping it from being amazing is cant change the font size so hard to read in vr anybody know how to change the font size?
A absolute must for VR streaming and could be helpful for the guys who doesn't have a spare screen to have chat on. OBS, NEEDS HELICORSA IN ORDER TO WORK!
I cant read long messages though because text doesnt stack..
this mod needs helicorsa at home to work. ;)
Still using it till this day,

Just wondering you gonna make it so that you can make it bit smaller? it's still bit too big.
Doesn't work,

ERROR: Python [ERROR] File apps/python/lurker/ not found
Cleaning Python Cache in path apps/python/twitch/
Opening PyModule twitch
PyModule :: Errors occurred loading twitch

[PY ERROR]: apps/python/twitch\ (5)
ERROR: Python ERROR LOADING MODULE :sys.path.append('apps/python/twitch')
I have done all the steps but when i try to use the chat in game play it does not show i have enabled in the settings but still dont see the app in game.... please help
Cant get the app to load in game... i did all the info in notepad as should be.
Excellent app. Thank you so much for this.
great app.
Is there anything like this for YouTube chat?
Works as intended. Must have for any AC VR streamer.
Many, many thanks.
This is a nice app.
I would like to change the size of the app. Now the app is very large. If I can change the size I am very happy. Thanks for this app!
Thanks for the review i will done that for next release :)

Latest News

File size
1.2 MB
First release
Last update
User rating
3.70 star(s) 20 ratings

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