Trees 3D Melbourne Australia

Trees 3D Melbourne Australia 1.1

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Válidos para Melbourne_2019 o 03_australia_gp22
Creo que también es válido para monaco_2020

Tanto si no tenéis carpeta extension dentro de la carpeta del circuito, como si tenéis la carpeta extension o si tenéis extensión de pyyer.

Copiar el contenido dentro del directorio principal del circuito y copiar las siguientes líneas en el archivo ext_config al inicio.

[INCLUDE: ext_config_trees.ini]

Si no tenéis el archivo ext_config.ini crearlo y pegáis las líneas. Aunque se quede sólo con estas líneas, se cargará el archivo por defecto melbourne_2019.ini del direcorio de ajustes de asseto junto con el de los árboles.

Obviamente el que tenga 03_australia_gp22 debería tener ext_config ya que melbourne_2019 no cargará para esta pista.

Are valid for Melbourne_2019 or for 03_australia_gp22
I think it is also valid for monaco_2020

Whether you don't have an extension folder inside the circuit folder, or if you have an extension folder or if you have a pyyer extension.

Copy the contents into the circuit's main directory and copy the following lines into the ext_config file at startup.

[INCLUDE: ext_config_trees.ini]

If you don't have the ext_config.ini file, create it and paste the lines. Even if you stick with just these lines, the default melbourne_2019.ini file from the asset settings directory will be loaded along with the one from the trees.

Obviously the one with 03_australia_gp22 should have ext_config as melbourne_2019 won't load for this track.
  • melbourne_1_proc.jpg
    376.2 KB · Views: 1,324
  • melbourne_proc.jpg
    401.2 KB · Views: 1,318

Latest updates

  1. Trees 3D Melbourne Australia

    After XtoF request I have updated the track replacing trees with palm trees from turn 6 to turn...

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These look great in the preview images, but I can’t get them to show in-game. I’m not sure why.
Greatly enhances this track's visuals
Many thanks for all the work, really impressive, these new 3D trees add a new immersion. Maybe an update like for Yas marina ;) which would add even more immersion with the palm trees that are missing on the main curve.
Thank you for your comment and contribution. As soon as possible I review it to make an update.
Really good, as below, very little performance hit
Superb -- this is how 3D trees SHOULD be implemented! They look incredible, there's no pop-in, and they don't affect performance at all (at least for me). They make all the difference visually at Melbourne. To those naysayers who think 3D trees in AC are just a gimmick, try this out and then reconsider. I don't know how you can argue with it. Incidentally, this also works with 01_australia_gp21.
Thank you. Although it takes time to place them, I think they give a differential touch to the circuit, at least I like how they look, if there is someone else who might like how your case seems, then it will have been worth it.

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File size
76.5 MB
First release
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5.00 star(s) 5 ratings

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