I fixed AI Spline error with the solution of our friend below.
This is what i've done for : ERROR: Reverb node does not exist:AC_REVERB_25
into steamapps\common\assettocorsa\content\tracks\shuto_revival_project_beta\shibaura_pa
Take ai folder and your ai_hints preset (in data)
Put them in everyfolder daishi_pa, heiwajima_pa_n, heiwajima_pa_s, shibaura_pa, shibaura_pa_traffic, tatsumi_pa, tatsumi_pa_traffic
Launch every track since CM, normally every track that are non-traffic version musk ask a Fix for circuit or smh like that.
Fix them all.
Launch traffic with non-traffic version of shibaura_pa. That u can use on every track with acceptable results to be honest.
Play a bit, test the traffic optimized version. (better results)
If you have a doubt take all the tracks folders and place them in /tracks/ instead of /tracks/shuto_revival_project_beta