La grafica lascia molto a desiderare.
Se il gioco non parte e da errore modificate il file ui_track.json nella directory Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\content\tracks\LaToscana\ui con blocco note: "tags" : [","Italy"], ---> "tags" : ["Italy"], e riavviate il gioco.
The graphics is not so good.
If the game does not start and give an error, edit the ui_track.json file in the Steam \ steamapps \ common \ assettocorsa \ content \ tracks \ LaToscana \ ui directory with notepad: "tags": ["," Italy "], --- > "tags": ["Italy"], and restart the game.
"name": "la_toscana",
"description": "Custom track by TheJukka. Thanks to 10 o'clock driver comunity for the support!",
"tags" : ["Italy"],
"geotags": ["lat", "lon"],
"country": "Italy",
"city": "toscana",
"length": "55.764m",
"width": "7",
"pitboxes": "52",
"author": "TheJukka"