This Is No Ordinary Sport guy!! , I thought that the Frontier video pre-introduction was unnecessary in the game, and what better way to put an intro like those in the f1 games of yesteryear with a summary of the last season in images.
copy the .mp4 file to your movies folder.
When you open the movies folder, you may have two files, a .mp4 and a .webm, normally replacing the .mp4 video should work, if not, delete the .webm file from the movies folder and it will work perfectly.
This is no ordinary sport is an original video of F1® videos.
copy the .mp4 file to your movies folder.
When you open the movies folder, you may have two files, a .mp4 and a .webm, normally replacing the .mp4 video should work, if not, delete the .webm file from the movies folder and it will work perfectly.
This is no ordinary sport is an original video of F1® videos.