The Setup Market (Service is down)

The Setup Market (Service is down) 0.6.4

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As someone that has only basic knowledge on set ups this helps a lot and allows me to learn .
just perfect if you have to less knowledge/time for working out good set ups :D thank you :DD
Great idea. Excelent app.
Thx, works great for me.
It's a super fast tool to download every kind of setup.
Best app so far for AC.
A big thank you to Mathieu and everyone that are kind enough to share their setups!
Amazing idea for an amazing app! Never again will I have to scour the forums searching for setups for my cars.
TOP. setup app to date
+easy to use mostly very good configurations, overall very good concept
- Setups for most used cars only (GT2/GT3,) dont support modded cars
Really useful tool to have. Thank you Mathieu.
Great job! Must have...
Great app!
Hope the good word on this app spreads fast. Better car setup access should equal tighter and more enjoyable racing online or off which can only make our sim racing stronger. Well done! Fantastic app.
Great, so we can find setups even when we are no pro's
Great! A must have
:) Awsome app
thanks nice app
Great app, I use it every time I need a quick setup for a race, thanks so much!
Fantastic idea and it does what it says on the tin. Love it! ;-)
Thanks for the update ! :)

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