Surfers Paradise 2004

Surfers Paradise 2004 3.1

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what is the issue with building ? tall building are glowing too much , too white. And curbs are flat in S-curves, they were not flat back in time.
My tracks are using standard values for the shaders (ksAmbient 0.3; ksDiffuse 0.4). These can be found for Kunos tracks and many others. If it's too bright on you system try another PP filter. Look at the preview pics how it should look like.
Thank you for your efforts and a kind heart to give us these enhanced beautiful tracks.
I have most of your tracks for GTR2. I was really missing them in Assetto. Glad to have you back. I got some downloading to do.
Outstanding track fantastic job, thanks Rainmaker_87
Wow, so great to see you back. Got anything new going on?
Yep 14 new track WIP

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