Spa 6h 2023 weatherplan

Spa 6h 2023 weatherplan v5

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Nice plan, makes racing more fun...
Thank you so much for this. First of all, congrats for having the privilege to attend such amazing event. Second, about this weather plan, if you don't mind me asking, is there a way to change the speed and make it less than 7x? Totally new to Sol Plans but this is amazing, thanks
Thanks for your review. You can change the time multiplier at the right side in the Sol Planner app.
Thank you for your work.
I was also at Spa and will never forget the very low temperatures of this years edition. FREEEZING COLD ;-)
Yes, it was a bit cold but fortunately not as much rain as last year. :)
Excellent. Will be interesting to see what the actual weather will be like!

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