Simple ERS

Simple ERS 1.2

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This update brings two new features (deployment mode and mguh mode) as well as a bit more liberty as to how large you can make the app (just a little QoL update that is good to have).

Deployment mode :

This shows what strat you are using with a number ranging from 0 to how many the car you are using has.

MGUH mode :
This shows what mguh mode you are using (whatever that means, I have no idea :D).

this is when the mode is on "Battery mode".

and this is when the mode is on "Engine mode" or "Motor mode".

As always, I hope you like this update and the app, and if you have sugestions, leave a review and I'll take note of it.


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I forgot to mention the source of the library I used to save the settings to a INI file: thanks to bartbes for giving us this library (
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As it has been asked, and I had the time to do it, I implemented the posibility to change the coloring of the different UI elements via another window specific to the settings.
Capture d'écran 2024-06-14 103957.png

It is very simple, you press the button corresponding to the element you want to change and play with the color picker. You can reset the color you are editing to it's default value by pressing the "Reset to default" button. You can also save and load the way your display looks, and it will load with the colors you have saved when the game launches.

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