Silver Coin Circuit

Silver Coin Circuit 0.8.1

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thanks for sharing
This looks so good even if its made in 3DS Max. Did the modeling gods provided you with some tips?
Very enjoyable little track. Wonderful elevation changes and trees etc look great. Perfect for F3 or Touring Cars etc. Well done and thanks.
Perfect little track. Keep up the good work buddy
Great elevations. Luv the track. Happy Easter!
Small yet challenging. Keep up the good work mate...!
Very enjoyable little circuit! Nice elevation changes and topography in a convincing environment. It's also got great flow for such a compact track.
I found myself wishing the track was bigger so that I could open the throttle more, even in slower cars. It seems like as soon as you start to build speed you're back on the brakes for the next corner. Maybe this could be the 'club' layout of a much larger circuit?
Regardless, top job so far, it's technically excellent and great fun.
Thanks again.

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