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Road America (3 seasons) 1.06

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Great track, thanks for share!
Thank you for this track!
Well done
Você é o TOP do top!!! Incrivelmente fantástica a pista!!
Patrick , i will not rate all your tracks, but thank you for this amazing free contents, all of your tracks are top quality.
thank you also for all the time invested, and share it for free.
you're the man
Patrick Giranthon
Thanks for the comment Monstro, much appreciated :)
Thanks for the update ...very much appreciated :)
You are a Legend! Thank you!
Never clicked with the previous versions of this take on RA but this latest update has the RA I know and love. Many thanks. Great work.
Excelente. Parabéns. Obrigado pela dedicação. Sempre ótimas pistas.
Good track....not enough tire makes, grove marks. What makes a track more realistic is it conditions. Brakes marks at entry and exits not enough. Straits look to pristine. AC has the same problem, RF2 has got that one down pat. Adding abstract to road surface in straights would be nice.
Great fun. Thanks!
not much to say .. good as always
Great track!
superbe travail comme toujours bravo !
Nothing less than spectacular!
OMG....this is just fantastic. ROA is one of my favorites. Amazing Patrick...just bloody amazing.
Almost perfect.
4.5/5 rounded up to 5 :)
Really great update, thank you very much, love this track. The track feels so much better now, yes on the original track all the corners were wrong. With this update almost all the corners are spot on. I feel something is wrong with Turn 11 at this point, the kerbs on the outside of the corner ar placed to early or they are to short, the kerbs are not on the racing line, all the time you go a little wide you touch the grass not the kerb.
Turn 1 – concrete kerb on the inside of the corner
Turn 5- the sloap going into the corner is to steep
- concrete kerb on the inside of the corner
Turn 6 – concrete kerb on the inside of the corner
Turn 7 – concrete kerb on the inside of the corner
Turn 8 – concrete kerb on the inside of the corner
Turn 10 – longer kerb on the outside of the corner(exiting the carousel)
Turn 11 – longer kerb on the outside of the corner and also in the inside
-after turn 11 on the right side there is a concrete kerb
Turn 12 – concrete kerb on the inside of the corner
Turn 14 – longer kerb on the outside of the corner
One of my favorite American tracks! :)
Love the work on the textures and the track itself seems very accurate.
It very badly needs night lights though! :)

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