Added another RB18 Variant from Miami 2022.
lmao sorry for the mishap
ehe turns out the ato3 mod was too quiet-
Sound mod for the RSS FH 2022/S and the simdream cars!
(AT03 and RB18 sounds taken from the canadian gp so it isn't exactly like the other sound mods)
Ok tbh the new update is kinda meh, just added a new sound mod with the same exterior sounds + re-done front accel.
Let's GO! I found the solution to the delayed sounds and made a better soundmod than the last 2. it has a rear downshift sound now and also upshift sounds for interior have been fixed and the int sounds are better now. of course the rear has upshift noises but i will still be developing this for the rest of 2022.
Sound Preview:
LET'S GO! I found an application to finally do the pitch changing effect I needed. I have no idea why the upshifting sound is delayed by a few hundred miliseconds, trying to learn how to fix it. Preview here!