Porsche 936 11 car livery pack

Porsche 936 11 car livery pack 2023-04-15

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Wonderfull, many thanks +++++
Thank you for this!
As "requester" of the Essex Motorsport's LM '79 livery, "Je ne regrette rien". Top-notch quality liveries (the underrated and unlucky as fast and beautiful "Essex 936/79" livery I asked was done in less a week, after 3 YEARS of wait for someone to do it.) Hope you will enjoy the pack's project I started and make you appreceate more these two unlucky '79 beasts as much as the more famous (and equally great replicas) of the more famous and victorious Jules 936/81 aside the Joest/DRM other liveries! Many thanks. From ALL OF US! GODSPEED, MY (greatly tasted) SIM RACERS PALS!
Great thanks !
From Yezhrod ^^
(I know it's my old Game name haha)
Super, vielen Dank

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