EngineFixer for MSC by haverdaden (DD)(Updated by Simon).
This mod works with modloader 0.2 (and 0.3.X)
######## USES ########
Fixes engine wear.
Refills car fluids.
Notice that 0 fan belt wear is perfect condition.
1. Make sure you have the latest MSCModloader installed.
1.2 if not go here: http://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/msc-mod-loader-0-2.15339/
2. Put EngineFixer.dll in ...\Documents\MySummerCar\Mods folder
3. Run the game
4. Ingame by default press (Right)CTRL + F to show the menu.
######## HOTKEYS ########
By Default:
(Right)CTRL + F to show the menu.
You are now able to buy me a coffee https://www.paypal.me/haverdaden
If you want you can credit me in your video and put a link to this mod so people can find it easier.
I'm going back to uni and will move towards game development for now. Therefore I've decided to make all my mods open-source. Feel free to update and use as educational resource. https://github.com/haverdaden/MSC_Playground
This mod works with modloader 0.2 (and 0.3.X)
######## USES ########
Fixes engine wear.
Refills car fluids.
Notice that 0 fan belt wear is perfect condition.
1. Make sure you have the latest MSCModloader installed.
1.2 if not go here: http://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/msc-mod-loader-0-2.15339/
2. Put EngineFixer.dll in ...\Documents\MySummerCar\Mods folder
3. Run the game
4. Ingame by default press (Right)CTRL + F to show the menu.
######## HOTKEYS ########
By Default:
(Right)CTRL + F to show the menu.
You are now able to buy me a coffee https://www.paypal.me/haverdaden
If you want you can credit me in your video and put a link to this mod so people can find it easier.
I'm going back to uni and will move towards game development for now. Therefore I've decided to make all my mods open-source. Feel free to update and use as educational resource. https://github.com/haverdaden/MSC_Playground