Now pops up another window with video playback of a recce screen-recording (provided by you) in the same location as the pacenotes and RDA trace.
Audio plays also, so I find it useful to do a slow speed recce with the original in-game audio playing, then I can compare these with my notes.
If you've got notes which are pretty good, you could probably also just use your phone to record yourself calling out corrections or something. (TBC if a plain-audio file would work; probably would hang the program.)
I've also trimmed down the map view plotting to 100m ahead and 20m behind to try to make the plots quicker; they're still very slow so it's limited to 0.5s refresh rate when the video is playing.
I believe matplotlib is just slow, so if someone has any experience with fast plotting and wants to make an updated file using a different and more efficient/faster python plotting library would be amazing, otherwise I might get to it at some point, but it works as-is so I probably won't bother...
I also realise that the threading I've implement doesn't allow for multiple cores to be used, so that's another possible improvement to use mutlithreading instead of threading...