Track was made to replicate the RoDrift Championship event that took place in 2019 at the National Arena in Bucharest. The whole track is based on the 2019 setting, where public was allowed to be present during the event.
Many thanks to the drivers that helped during the building process and have provided guidance in order to have a high accuracy of the track/layout. Especially Octavian Chelaru and Claudiu Adam who took part in real life at the event.
Track cams can work if the file in: "assettocorsa-content-tracks-sb_national_arena-ai" is renamed from "fast_lane.ai_working" to "fast_lane.ai" Use F3 in game/replay. Mind you having the cameras working will kick you from an Online server but they work just great on Singleplayer. Renaming the file to "fast_lane.ai_working" will fix the problem online.
Circuitul a fost construit pentru a replica evenimentul organizat de RoDrift Championship ce a avut loc in 2019 la Arena Nationala in Bucuresti. Tot circuitul a fost bazat pe structura anului 2019, unde prezenta publica a fost permisa in timpul evenimentului.
Multe multumiri soferilor care au ajutat pe parcursul construirii prin indrumarile oferite pentru a realiza o acuratete cat mai ridicata a circuitului. In special Octavian Chelaru si Claudiu Adam ce au participat in in realitate la etapa.
Camerele circuitului pot functiona daca fisierul aflat in: "assettocorsa-content-tracks-sb_national_arena-ai" este redenumit din "fast_lane.ai_working" in "fast_lane.ai" Folositi F3 in joc/replay. Aveti grija ca avand camerele activate, veti fi dati afara de pe un server Online dar functioneaza perfect in Singleplayer. Redenumirea fisierului in "fast_lane.ai_working" va rezolva problema online.
Track was made to replicate the RoDrift Championship event that took place in 2019 at the National Arena in Bucharest. The whole track is based on the 2019 setting, where public was allowed to be present during the event.
Many thanks to the drivers that helped during the building process and have provided guidance in order to have a high accuracy of the track/layout. Especially Octavian Chelaru and Claudiu Adam who took part in real life at the event.
Track cams can work if the file in: "assettocorsa-content-tracks-sb_national_arena-ai" is renamed from "fast_lane.ai_working" to "fast_lane.ai" Use F3 in game/replay. Mind you having the cameras working will kick you from an Online server but they work just great on Singleplayer. Renaming the file to "fast_lane.ai_working" will fix the problem online.
Circuitul a fost construit pentru a replica evenimentul organizat de RoDrift Championship ce a avut loc in 2019 la Arena Nationala in Bucuresti. Tot circuitul a fost bazat pe structura anului 2019, unde prezenta publica a fost permisa in timpul evenimentului.
Multe multumiri soferilor care au ajutat pe parcursul construirii prin indrumarile oferite pentru a realiza o acuratete cat mai ridicata a circuitului. In special Octavian Chelaru si Claudiu Adam ce au participat in in realitate la etapa.
Camerele circuitului pot functiona daca fisierul aflat in: "assettocorsa-content-tracks-sb_national_arena-ai" este redenumit din "fast_lane.ai_working" in "fast_lane.ai" Folositi F3 in joc/replay. Aveti grija ca avand camerele activate, veti fi dati afara de pe un server Online dar functioneaza perfect in Singleplayer. Redenumirea fisierului in "fast_lane.ai_working" va rezolva problema online.