I love your conversions, but there is a problem... the "Hohenrain-Schikane" didn't exist in 1965...it was built in 1967 and EVERYBODY just ignores that fact...get rid of that chicane please :-D
Part of the track without the chicane in a great colored video from 1962:
There already is a 1967-version of the Nordschleife, so the whole point of making a 1965-version is lost, when it's just like the 1967 one and includes a chicane, which didn't exist in 1965.
Besides that:
- too little elevation changes @ Flugplatz and between Pflanzgarten1 and Schwalbenschwanz
- Too much and too large trees...in 1965 most of those trees didn't exist yet...comparison video:
- right turn @ Steilstrecke and Karussell too wide (was narrower before 1967)