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MM - Vanilla Sundae .9b

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First off, a huge, huge thank you to azilvl for his fantastic Toggleable Autorace + Chase Cam mod. Aside from altering my enjoyment of the game, it inspired me by implementing a couple of features that I wasnt sure could be done via modding. So thank you azilvl for allowing me to build on top of your mod and for being an all around cool dude. If you enjoy this at all, please download and give his mod a thumbs up (if you havent already), because this mod truly would not exist without his mod!

I don't think there are any major issues, but let me know as I would love to hear feedback from any long term plays, regen quality, bugs, etc...

****** Vanilla Sunday Mod v.9b- *******
includes the amazing:
Toggleable Autorace + Chase Cam mod 1.1b2
-Seperate player 1, player 2, auto-drive and auto-pit controls
-Track level, zoomed in, chase camera.

Additional features:
Regen Rosters - New drivers, Mechanics and Engineers with every new game.
2019 Start Date - All teams will start with no staff. You have about 3 weeks till your first race during which scouting will be reduced to 2-3 days.
Perfect Feedback - Player receives acccurate feedback in practice car tuning. Ex. Red means too much cornering, yellow means too little cornering.
4 Chase cam presets - Press 'C' to enter chase cam mode. While in chase cam mode, double tap 'c' again to switch to a different chase cam.
Improved AI depth charts - AI will perform driver1 to driver2 "depth chart" evaluations.
Tighter Form - Form range tightened up (3-9.8, 10 reserved for "in form" trait).
Randomized Sponsor details - Sponsors offer details like number of days and payment amounts will have more variety
Cheaper contracts - Contracts for staff have been reduced slightly.
Tire percentage indicator - Has been slightly enlarged and color scheme changed to white and yellow.
Qualifying Cheering SFX (annoying whistler) removed/changed.
Color coordinated staff - Changes to the livery will also change your staff colors.
mCarID bug aka practice driver bug aka "my driver doesnt know who they are" bug fix.

Weather Master - No Rain separate .dll files included.
Need a break from the rain? Swap with the no rain version and get instant no rain.

Weather Master - Night Racing (Experimental) separate .dll files included.
Night Racing.... Do I need a description?

To install:
Make a copy of your original Assembly-csharp.dll and Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll.
Copy the included Assembly-csharp.dll and the Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll file into your "Managed" folder, which by default, is probably somewhere like this in Windows:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Motorsport Manager\MM_Data\Managed"

The Assembly-CSharp-firstpass file is actually only modified for night racing. In other words, the standard mod and the no rain are just using the default Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll file which is included for ease of installation and swapping between versions.

Additional Notes:

- Regen Rosters -
Didnt bother regen'ing scouts and chairmen, since you dont really get to choose them anyways.

-2019 Start Date -
You have about 3 weeks till your first race, which should give you time to sign drivers and staff. Scouting time is reduced to 2-3 days, but the scouting queue will be reduced to only 6 drivers. After the first race, scouting features will be back to normal.

- Perfect Feedback -
The Label for each tuning category will change colors reflecting the current feedback status.
Red - Too much, move the pin to the left
Yellow - Too little, Move the pin the the right
Green - Perfect

Smileys have been limited to Very Poor, Ok and Excellent. An OK, OK, OK setup can be as good as 96%, ok is not bad!
Personally, I really didnt like the tweet feedback system, Oh you missed the tweet, or there was no tweet? Your screwed, yet the driver knows almost precisely how far off a component is, but cant tell you in which direction in the pits? makes no sense.
I was going for something more like:
driver: "too much downforce"
Mech:: "ok, by how much?"
driver: "I dunno, just reduce it, Ill run a lap and let you know"
Mech: "ok, done"
Heh, Maybe I failed, maybe I didnt. But its what works for me :)
Prefect Feedback.jpg

- 4 Chase cam presets -
'C' to enter chase cam mode, once in chase came mode, double tap 'c' to switch cameras from Zoom front, Zoom Back, Zoomout Front, Zoomout Back.
There are occasional camera mode changes, I see it most often during pits, or if you start rapidly switching cams from car to car.
If you have any camera issues, try double tap of 'C' or press 'C' to exit chase cam mode and then 'C' again to re-enable.
This was one of the first things I played with, I do plan on revisiting this and come up with a better way to switch cams.

- Improved AI depth charts -
Had a lot of seasons, where a rival would disappear, only to find stuff like a 3 star number 1 driver and a 5 start number 2.
Now the AI will evaluate Driver 1 vs Driver 2 and perform a double switch if needed. I did take away the morale penalty for the AI
for the swap and the drivers will also have their contract status adjusted to match their new role.

- Tighter Form -
Peronsally not a huge fan of the form system, and short of a rewrite, I decided to try this, and have been pleased with the results.
Form scale is now 3.3 to 9.8. 10 being reserved for the "in form" special trait. One of the benefits is it smooths out some of those sudden jumps in form that often leave you scratching your head. They still happen just a lot less noticeable.

- Randomized Sponsor details -
Just adds a little but of randomization so that you may not always be choosing the same old offers. Generally speaking, i found that when I was in a same class for 3-4 seasons, the offers became really stagnant and I always knew for each slot I could expect 1 or 2 different offers that were always the best. Hopefully there is enough variance that a different offer might now be more appealing. I was gonna remove the star ratings as they dont really apply so much anymore (and I like that), but internally the game will still process and give you better offers based on your marketability.

- Cheaper contracts -
One of my issues with the game long term was the AI's financial handling. No money for the AI, no development, no competition. I used to edit the save game 2-3 times a season to give AI teams more cash and their competive level jumped dramitcally. Actually, generally speaking, I want more money for the user and even more for the AI. For the user, personally, even with the hardest teams, never really had money issues, just increased (unncessary, IMHO) grind time. So reducing contracts slightly gives more money to player and its even better for AI as if you look, they often seem to overpay for drivers compared to what a user pays.

- Tire percentage indicator -
Maybe its just me and my screen in particular, but I had a really hard time seeing the tire percentage wear. I have a nice screen, yet when it turned red, it was really hard to read. So, I increased the size a little and changed the color scheme to white and yellow once the tire is in warning stage.

- Qualifying Cheering SFX -
The screamer, whistler, whatever during qualifying, just downright annoying. You like it? Too bad, I hate that SFX with a passion.

- Color coordinated staff -
Silly thing, but cmon, gotta have properly color coordinated staff.

- mCarID bug aka practice driver bug aka "my driver doesnt know who they are" bug fix. -
Surpised they never fixed this as actually, I can faithfully reproduce crash bugs due to this bug, and would have expected them to fix this since it can be a "showstopper".
Anways, it wont fix the problem immediately after you sign a driver or make a switch, but advance a day or advance to race day and you shouldnt have amy problems.

- Weather Master - No Rain -
So, first off, in order to properly say this, you must use your best super hero voice --- "Weather Master"
Heh, JK, but everyones experience will vary with this game, but I've had far too many season with just ridiculous amounts of rain (IMHO), after about 3 seasons in a row of like runs of 6-8 races in a row with rain, I just got tired of punking the AI during qualifying (Etc...).
Just swap in this verison of the mod, and you'll get clear skies. Once you switch back, your original forecasts etc, should still be intact.

Weather Master - Night Racing (Experimental)
Was just messing around and got this to work ok, although it does turn the entire game dark, like on your livery editing screen. No big deal for now. I would like to revisit this and perhaps implement it in a different more thorough way, but kinda fun as is.

Latest reviews

Works Perfectly!!!! Thank you!
very nice
The mod is good but... When i was on the training session i put the new config for my driver if he likes, but... This happened, i recorded the video to you see the bug:
New drivers cant be signed, they return delighted with all the terms but never accept the offer, it doesn't happen with staff, only with drivers, but it makes it unplayable since you re stuck with one star drivers
Interesting. I cannot reproduce that problem on my machine.
R U playing 'choose team' or 'Create a team'. What series did u try.
Also, r u playing with any other mods?

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