Mission Data Display Unit

Mission Data Display Unit 3.3

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V3.3 Change Log
  • Reworked the UI when pit limiter is active - the position of gear and pit speed have been swapped (see screenshot)
  • When pit limiter is active, speed and speed delta to pit speed limit now respect your Simhub speed unit
  • Adjusted flag logic - blue and white flags now appear independently when they're active at the same time. Previously the white flag would disappear when a blue flag was shown, making it easy to miss it.
  • The flag box now shows split yellow/blue flags when white flag is active (see screenshot)
  • Added precipitation percent on the first 4 pages - it dynamically appears next to track temperature when it's raining
  • Reworked the vehicle settings display (TC, ABS, MAP etc) to give a more tailored experience depending on the vehicle
  • Fixed missing warning icon for setup alert in the Pit Service page
  • Added best and last lap delta to head to head panel in the Relative page
  • Removed color coding from best lap times in the Time Table page during practice sessions since it's redundant
  • Added a tap target to the Pit Service page to toggle between Pit Service and Adjustment Notes. Tap the right side of the screen to trigger. (see screenshot)
  • Fixed incorrect logo usage for SF Lights in Adjustment Notes panel
  • Fixed incorrect display of corner names for some track configurations (eg. Road Atlanta Full Course corners appearing on Club configuration)
  • Added/updated Adjustment Notes to the following cars: Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (992), Porsche 718 Cayman GT4, BMW M4 G82 GT4
  • Added corner names to Suzuka GP
  • Added missing manufacturer logo to Spec Racer Ford
  • Misc minor UI enhancements and bug fixes


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V3.2 Change Log
  • New panel: Adjustment Notes
    • You can now reference vehicle adjustment settings while driving, making it easier to make adjustments on the fly
    • Access this panel by going to the Pit Service page and press a button bound to Widget Action A
    • Note: Widget Action A is a universal action for this dash that switches panel states in various other pages. If you have a button on the wheel to cycle between dash pages on short press, I recommend reusing that button to trigger Widget Action A on long press.
    • Currently supports the following cars with more added in future updates: McLaren 720S GT3, BMW M4 GT3, Porsche 911 GT3, Ferrari 296 GT3, Mercedes AMG GT3, Corvette Z06 GT3, Lamborghini Huracan GT3, BMW M4 G82 GT4, Porsche Cayman GT4, Cadillac V-Series.R, BMW M Hybrid, Dallara P217, Ligier JS P320
  • Qualifying time table now displays drivers on track that haven't yet put down a lap time
  • Qualifying time table now displays a column for number of laps completed
  • Time table split view no longer triggers if there are 13 or fewer class drivers during a race
  • Added best lap difference column to time table during practice sessions
  • Removed last lap time column from time table during practice sessions since it’s not particularly relevant
  • Added driver setup name to the Pit Service page
  • Added an alert that triggers if it detects a quali setup loaded for a race session. This alert automatically disappears when you cross the start/finish line on race start.
  • Changed steering angle value to display in degrees
  • Adjusted logic to delta value on first page to prevent certain rare errors. Note: since the latest iRacing patch, the delta now includes the qualifying times in this calculation, which isn't something I can fix. I'll try to find a workaround in the meantime.
  • Disabled slow car alert triggering in qualify sessions
  • Minor update to slow car alert label - it now goes from yellow to red and stops blinking when you're within 100m of the stopped car
  • Added corner names to the following track maps: Bathurst, Sebring, Nordschleife, Indianapolis (Road Course)
  • Daytona corner names only appear on track map in the 'Road Course' configuration
  • Added Honda and Skip Barber manufacture logos
  • Fixed McLaren logo not displaying for the 720S EVO
  • Fixed bug where the UI wouldn't adapt to the Mercedes W13 because of an incorrect identifying parameter
  • Various bug fixes/visual tweaks


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V3.1 Change Log
  • The Time Table page now dynamically switches to a split screen view depending on the driver's position. In split view, the top 3 drivers are pinned at the top, followed by the drivers around your position.
  • Added support for Soft/Medium/Hard tire compounds for Mercedes W12 and W13 for the tire panel in the Pit Service page. Note: this hasn't yet been worked into the Time Table page.
  • Added a towing timer
  • Added a prototype vehicle graphic for the Pit Service page (applies to GTP, LMP2 and LMP3)
  • Added an alert for when the incident count changes
  • Fixed bug with Mclaren logo not appearing in Time Table
  • Added corner names to the track map for the following tracks: Road America, Le Mans
  • Increased font size for brake bias in the MFD
  • Added a gradient shield for slow car distance MFD widget in the Time Table page
  • Bug fixes to address qualifier visualizer times being offset slightly
  • Various minor visual/logic bug fixes


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V3.0 Change Log
  • Refreshed Pit Service
    • Pit Service has been moved to it's own page for easier accessibility
    • Page layout has been optimized to increase space between buttons, making them easier to tap and reduce errors
    • Tire data now additionally shows wear and temperature for the outside, middle and inside sections
    • Simple tire module has moved to this new page from the Map page
    • Tire pressure information has been added to this page - it uses the global unit set in Simhub (psi, bar etc)
  • Refreshed Time Table/Leaderboard
    • Positions gained/lost is now displayed on this page
    • During race sessions, the last and best lap info is now displayed as a delta to the driver's last and best lap
    • Manufacturer logos are now displayed for each driver. The list isn't complete yet but will be updated.
    • Stint laps column in time table now only displays a lap counter if it is different from the total laps driven. This means if a driver has never pitted, the stint column would be greyed out. This helps reduce redundancy while making it easier to see which drivers have completed their mandatory pit stop.
    • Last pit stop time has moved from the pit service page to the time table
    • Added an empty state for tire compound
    • Disconnected drivers are greyed out
  • Corner names are now displayed for some maps on the static track map. Given that this is a manual process, I'll be periodically updating tracks over time.
  • Map screen now displayed pedal and steering wheel input. This space was previously occupied by tire data which has now moved to the Pit Service page.
  • Changed logic for track conditions color. It is now displayed in blue if the weather is officially declared wet.
  • The primary gauge gets a visual facelift for a cleaner/minimal aesthetic
  • Slow car alert now additionally displays distance to stopped car
  • Updated Pit Entry speed optimizer for improved scanability
  • Added unclean lap indicator to last lap delta for situations when last lap time is faster than best lap time but is invalid
  • Bug fixes/updated logic for last lap delta. This is still bugged for certain tracks like Spa - I think it's a bug with how Simhub calculates this.
  • Fuel alert text now displays on the main "Race" page, identical to how it's displayed in other pages. Previously it only displayed an icon next to the fuel gauge, making it easy to miss.
  • Updated flag visual
  • Updated alerts panel
  • Various minor bug fixes and UI tweaks


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V2.4 Change Log
  • New layout for Pit Service (accessible on Time Table page via Widget Action A)
    • Refreshed page layout
    • Added "Full Service" button that requests all available pit service items
    • Added a new panel for last pit stop duration. This can help determine whether drivers took tires in additional to fuel in sprint races.
    • Note: the tap targets for the buttons are much larger than the indicated rectangles to make it easier to press.
  • Stretched the Time Table to take up all the vertical space to allow more drivers to be visible on screen
  • Moved tire wear panel to Map page
  • Removed Input panel from Map page. Note: this is still present in the file and can be toggled with tire wear.
  • Fixed wind speed displaying inaccurately
  • Slightly increased gear font size on time table and map pages, as well as in the Pit Helper panel
  • Various minor UI adjustments


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V2.3 Change Log
  • New Feature: Qualifying Gap Visualizer
    • In quali sessions, the time table page displays a visual of the lap time gap
  • Added wind direction, wind velocity, air temperature, track conditions and precipitation to the track map page
  • Removed track map color override for single class
  • Minor visual improvements with dynamic track
  • Removed precipitation from the time table page (I'll add something relevant in the empty spot with the next update)
  • Fixed bug where last lap time after the first lap was reported inaccurately
  • Various visual bug fixes


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V2.2 Change Log
  • Added a "slow car ahead" indicator
  • Changed speed from kmh to local units
  • Fixed visual bug where refuel appeared to be checked when it wasn't
  • Minor bug fix regarding tire compound visual in leaderboard when driver isn't in the top 10
  • Fixed bug where launch assist (clutch/throttle percent at race start) overlapped with "Wet" status
  • Fixed bug in time table where font wasn't auto resizing correctly when total laps completed was greater than 100
  • Adjusted bounding box for laps completed and estimated laps left to avoid clipping when over 100 laps


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V2.1 Change Log
  • Wet tire compound is now indicated within the central gauge and tire wear panel
  • The leaderboard now displays other drivers' tire compounds
  • Added precipitation value to Time Table page
  • Added missing pit limit panel in Time Table page
  • Other minor visual bug fixes


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V2.0 Change Log
  • New Panel: Relative
    • A new relative panel has been added that shows up to 4 drivers ahead and behind. In multi-class races, the UI highlights drivers that are in your class. Cars that are on a different lap are also indicated with their respective colors (red/blue).
  • New Feature: Position Gain/Loss
    • The Standings panel now displays position gain/loss in Race sessions
  • The driver ahead/behind in class panels have been consolidated into a single panel.
  • The time table now shows best lap delta with reference to the fastest lap in the class instead of fastest lap overall
  • Driver ahead/behind gap update interval changed to real time (previously 1500ms)
  • Fixed bug that occasionally didn't display fuel to add amount
  • Added a new idle screen
  • Updated visual for Multi Function Display
  • Updated visual for Sectors
  • Updated layout for Track Map
  • Updated visual style for Standings panel
  • Updated visual style for Time Table
  • Various layout adjustments


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V1.6 Change Log
  • Added a new alert that appears if a quali setup is accidentally loaded when gridding for a race
  • The Mode/Map indicator now only shows MGU-K mode or Engine map, depending on the car (it displays '0' when neither are available)
  • Adjusted steering input linear gauges to use entire length of gauge (previously only used 50%)
  • Minor battle indicator bug fixes
  • Minor color logic adjustments
  • Slightly adjusted zoom level of dynamic track map
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V1.5 Change Log
  • Added a new battle indicator in the Time Table page. An orange bar next to the 'gap' column indicates when two or more drivers are battling and are within 1s of each other (see screenshot)
  • Changing widgets can now be done by tapping on the widget panel itself. You can also continue to use a key binding for it (make sure it's bound to Action A)
  • Fixed bug where gear sometimes doesn't show depending on the state of the Pit Limiter
  • Removed the Lap Chart page to reduce redundant panels. Lap times are now integrated into the 5 Lap Avg + Sectors panel as a widget in the Timing page (page 2). Either tap the panel or use a key binding for Action A to switch between 5 Lap Avg + Sectors and Lap Times.
  • Adjusted logic of drivers' total laps count to display total completed laps instead of current lap number
  • Fixed a few minor logic bugs


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V1.41 Change Log
  • Patched a minor Pit-Service related bug from V1.4
V1.4 Change Log
  • New widget - Pit Service!
    • You can now change tires, add fuel, tear-off windshield and use fast repair when available from within the dashboard
    • The pit service widget can be accessed via the time table page. "ActionA" needs to be bound to a button for this.
  • Fixed bug where Refuel amount would occasionally not display anything
  • Adjusted formatting of brake bias in MFD to display + or - depending on car's bias settings
  • Display 'D' as the selected gear for Porsche Mission R
  • Minor UI adjustments


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V1.3 Change Log
  • Added an extra gauge in the left pit stop panel that appears when approaching the pit entrance at a speed higher than the pit speed limit. The yellow gauge shows distance to pit entrance, and red gauge shows speed delta to pit speed limit. To minimize time lost when slowing down before pit entrance, match the deceleration rate of the red gauge with the yellow gauge.
  • Added battery levels and MGUK status to Acura ARX and Porsche GTP
  • Added engine map setting to bottom right vehicle status indicator
  • Distance to pit box gauge now blinks when distance > 150m. This is to draw attention to it when it appears (at a distance of 200m)
  • Slight tweaks to how refuel amount is displayed
  • Pit Limiter state only displays when game is running. Previously, if you exited the sim while pit limiter was on, the limiter indicator would remain active on the screen which was rather annoying.
  • Adjusted logic for P2P status
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V1.2 Change Log

New Feature: Widgets!

I've added widgets to some of the screens that let you swap between different types of information shown on that screen. To use these, "ActionA" needs to be bound to a button (On Simhub, click Dash Studio in the left pane, then Controls tab at the top, and then configure "Trigger dash action A").
  • Fuel - Page 1 shows fuel left (liters, laps, time) and average consumption. Page 2 shows refuel amount, pit window status, and last lap consumption.
  • Laps - Cycle between lap times and lap time delta.
  • Map - Cycle between static map and dynamic map.
  • Time Table - Cycle between opponent lap times and opponent lap time delta.

Misc updates:
  • Bug fix: Color coding for driver ahead/behind gap increasing/decreasing is fixed. Previously it only changed to green when gap was increasing.
  • Distance to pit box linear gauge now only appears when <200m to pit box
V1.1 Change Log

  • Expanded the multi function display and added the following: MAP, FARB, RARB, WJ. They appear on screen when adjusted the same way as ABS/TC etc.
  • Changed fuel consumption to average instead of last lap.
  • DRS information is now available for all DRS enabled cars.
  • Added a DRS usage counter for the Formula Renault 3.5.
  • Added a P2P active indicator. Note: this does not work for the Super Formula SF23 - I don't believe the data is available yet, hopefully a Simhub/iRacing Extra Props update allows for it.
  • Added a P2P usage counter.
  • Battery levels are now displayed for the new GTP cars (Acura ARX-06 GTP and Porsche 963 GTP)
  • Added the Pro license class to driver ratings.
  • Tweaked the logic for the visibility of the "Slow down" widget when Pit limiter is on. This makes it no longer persistent on screen in other sims (tested on Assetto Corsa).
Wanted to give a shout out to Bikone for helping out with most of these changes!
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