Meanwhile ring

Meanwhile ring 2024-07-17

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Hello guys, it's Meanwhile, i decided to share with you my fantasy dream track called Meanwhile ring. In case someone would like to give it a try please keep in mind that i don't have a steering wheel so AI is more artificial then it is intelligent, changing it's line is highly advisable. Also in case someone likes it, feedback will be much appreciated, so i can update the track accordingly ASAP, the best, and fastest way to reach me is instagram, i have little to no followers so i'll respond quickly, you can find me @M.n_w.l . I stared learning Blender and new version will be uploaded as soon as i make it. . Again, in case someone actually downloads it and reads this i hope at least layout is enjoyable.
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Latest reviews

This is a fun first attempt at RTB. I think your first track is miles better than my first track. I butchered the pit lane blending onto the track portion of mine. You have some walls that arent snapping to the ground in areas where the terrain is changing elevation drastically.
The track has to sharp of an elevation change for GT3 cars in one areas where I come off the ground a little and then bottom out but that can be "track character" so don't take that as a serious flaw. My tracks sometimes do the same. RTB made tracks all feel very similar because the Xpacks pretty much offer the same stuff for everyone so it feels like Im playing one of my tracks and one of the many tracks I've played on here. I had fun and I hope you have fun playing it because that's what its all about. You can improve on this for months if you wanted or you can make some slight alterations and continue to have a ton of fun. Either way keep it up!
Dear Swisss_T thank you so much for taking your time to test this track and for your honest review. i appreciate it more then you can imagine, thank you for pointing out things that could be changed, that means i can continue doing what i truly enjoy. i will fix those asap and upload new version. like you said there are months of work to improve it, i will continue updating this one while making new version in blender. i am so happy you enjoyed driving on it, i wish i could take you for a beer just for giving it a try. 1000x thank you for your kind words and for adding fuel to passion. i'll let you know once i update it i would like to hear from you again.
happy racing :)

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File size
62.4 MB
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3.00 star(s) 1 ratings