Maze Circuit

Maze Circuit 2021-10-02

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The track is very well done and fun to drive but the AIs cannot exit the pitlane while in qualifying. I'm willing to give 4 stars if this problem is solved.
Tiago Lima
Tiago Lima
Fixed :) Now ai exits the pits :)
Great little track, really fun to drive. Thank you very much!
Tiago Lima
Tiago Lima
You wellcome ;) !
Thank you very much for this! Great lil' track.
Say thank you for the update!
Cool TrACK!
Another great track by an amazing author!
Really nice track. Seems made for the Xbow.
Pure fun, thanks
Thanks for your Works~~~ Very Nice !!!
Many thanks for this nice circuit!
I love it since GTL version, conversion by derDumeklemmer!!
Great work! Thanks for sharing!!
What a fun little track, Tiago. Really appreciate how the 3D grass adds to the overall aesthetics. Thank you!
Tiago Lima
Tiago Lima
Thanks a lot!
Tiago Lima
Tiago Lima
Hope you like it :3
Sugoi :)
Tiago Lima
Tiago Lima
Thanks mate ;)!!
I really enjoyed this wee track. The far mountain texture pops a bit abruptly going down start grid straight, rumble strips could blend a little more to my eyes (just CC) - maybe too yellow?), and sometimes AIs stop on straight just before bend before chicane - but pretty good fun all round.
Tiago Lima
Tiago Lima
Maybe its related to the lods , but to help the performance was required when update i can change the values a bit :)
Great track Tiago, you are on a roll!
Tiago Lima
Tiago Lima
Trying to give people something :)
wow very nice track love the layout. Good job! Thanks!
Tiago Lima
Tiago Lima
Glad you like it :)
its a"maze"ing
Tiago Lima
Tiago Lima
Hope you enjoy sir :)

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