Maximal Graphic Preset

Maximal Graphic Preset 3.3

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Bonjour j ai un pc portable le tuff gaming quel mod je doit utiliser. J ai un full hd 144 mz. Merci par avance.
After updating the game to 1.7 with the mod, the computer goes to reboot, what should I do? (
Well done jobs and mods~~Thank you!!
This is a great mod! However, you recommend that we deactivate DLSS, FSR2 and other methods but this option is impossible to deactivate, it leaves us the choice only between DLSS, FSR2 and TAAU and TSR.
Its possible, choose dlss and Set it to off :) thank you i try my best
Using raytracing variant fullscreen dx12 I put the 2 files in but game crashes back to desktop. The non raytracing variant fullscreen dx12 worked. Any idea why the raytracing version didn’t work? I have a 4080 card. Does look good though even without the raytracing version.
Sorry for the Problem you got. Its a Bug. I know already about the Problem. But im on holiday atm. I will try to fix it as soon as im back.
Great modder, great product. Thanks for making this, makes the game much more playable!
You folks make me proud, thank you very much.
This is excelent work
I try my best :)
Cant get it to work keeps crashing game so gone back to dx11 version.
Im sorry, some people have Problems with the new Rtx/dx12 Update. I invastigate this already. Looks like there is actual a minimum off 11 GB Vram for GPU needed.
Keep up the amazing work, thank you so much for this...
I try my best :D
Great job
Thanks :)
Ein bisschen peinlich oder einfach nur fantastisch wie ein einzelner Modder ein lizenziertes Spiel von einem der grössten Marken der Welt um Welten besser aussehen lässt als ein gesamtes Entwicklerteam, welches Millionen Umsätze macht und bereits 3 Jahre Know-How hat. Irgendwie beides. Vielen Dank. Dank dir ist das Spiel jetzt wunderschön.
Tja was soll ich dir sagen :D fast money und so. Scheinbar mag sich da niemand wirklich mit der Engine auseinander setzen ;). Aber freut mich das dir mein Mod gefällt.
Awesome improvement to the game. It makes all the sessions a lot more enjoyable to watch, thumbs up!
That was my goal. I'm glad you like it.
Great job, thank you for the hard work to continue to improve this and for creating something which is easy to install for novice users.

Even though I personally don't need the installer, it's great that you've taken the time to make this user friendly.
Thank you, I'm glad to hear that. I wanted as many people as possible to be able to use the mod. Even those who have problems installing it manually.
I just don't know what folder i have to use but as i've seen online this mod looks great.
Which version you use depends on your computer and your setup.
super mod endlich das Gosting weg 1000 danke
Sehr gerne. Freut mich wenns dir gefällt :)
Thanks again for giving us the DX 12 back. Upon selection the Raytracing version is only available in DX 11 mode? Aka in the selection list when selecting raytracing variants the settings turn off DX12. While choosing DX12 there is no raytracing. Is there a version which offers both raytracing and dx12? Thanks
Because Raytracing is Not working with dx12 Not cooked into the game.
Excuse me mate but i would like to know the process step by step to install this mod, im not great with IT and all but is it the same way as any other mods when you copie ans paste it in the "Paks" ?
Copy both files to this path. Or use the installer exe

Maybe u can do a side by side comparison? This way people have a better view of the difference. So far this mod looks beautiful!
Comparison images can be tricky since many issues only become apparent when the game is running. For example, strong ghosting, blur around the car, and blurry textures are often difficult to capture in a screenshot. However, I believe that anyone who has played the game and then looks at my images will immediately notice a difference.

Thank you for the compliment.
Loved it loved it since F1M23 kinda off topic but in the video how did the guy change his FOV like that because it seem different
No changes were made to the FOV.

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