Maximal Graphic Preset

Maximal Graphic Preset 3.3

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How to enable motion blur?
You need to add something like this:


into the Engine.ini

But why should you do this :D
It not only makes the game blurry, which might be somewhat acceptable in racing games to a certain extent, but the far worse issue is that it creates artifacts around the blur, significantly reducing the quality.
Good work and appreciate the frequent fixes and updates.
I am a perfectionist, which doesn't always make life easier. :D ;)
Glad you're back. Your work is phenomenal, the game raises the bar. Greetings from Brazil.
Happy you like my work :)
I tested recently and think everything is now all normal. Thanks mate.
Great. But still needs a bit work to be userfriendly :)
It seems to work but the files are transparent/ grayed out and after the installation I have sound problems in the cockpit view and generally the graphics don't seem as clear as before. I tried the version from this morning for comparison and everything is normal.
Confusing. I Just worked at the Setup.exe Not touched the files. Maybe u choose the wrong resolution? But i will look after this. Gray out files is on purpose because they are marked as Hidden. Thank you for testing.
Just got into F1 recently and haven't installed the mod yet but I felt you deserved a 5* for all your hard work. Thanks for the Mod.
Thanks :-*
Thank you for coming back, your work gives this game a new level, maybe the devs should hire you for the team...:)
Hahaha im not sure my work is enough to be hired. I mean the could use it to fix many Problems :D
I still get the same error with the installation file, but it's good that they have kept the files available for the time being.
At this Moment dont use the Setup.exe i put the files back to the mod so u can use it the old way c&p as long as i try to fix the Problem.
Use a previous version (in the current one I'm receiving "Files not found in the selected resolution directory")

Make it as you want, but I prefer 200% the previous option without the installer and uninstaller
Im sorry for this. Already working on it. I posted an Update with the old method as long as I work on the setup file. Just want to make it easier fall all. Not everybody exactly know where to put the files.
I'm glad you're back. I'm a user from Taiwan.
I'll buy you a 5 euro cup of coffee for your work.
I can only translate My English is not very good
Thank you so much! That's really kind of you. I can go get a Starbucks now. ;)
So first of all, I'm really pleased that you're continuing and that you're listening to your wife ;)

Then to the new version. Great idea with the installation, unfortunately I get the message: Files not found in the selected resolution directory
Only the two Unins files appear in the folder, the engine file does not and the GameUserSettings file is not overwritten or changed.
Im sorry for this. Already working on it. I posted an Update with the old method as long as I work on the setup file.
exe "Files not found in the selected resolution directory"
Please upload the GameUserSettings and Engine.ini files directly.
Im sorry for this. Already working on it.
I've been using your mod for over a year, can't express my gratitude and appreciation enough!
great work
Thank you very much :)
I receive a massage that say "Files not found in the selected resolution directory" when i'm trying to use the setup. I am using 1920 x 1080
Did you enter the resolution yourself? The resolution must be chosen from the existing list. If the error continues to occur, please send me a PM, and I'll take a closer look at what might be causing it. I tested the resolution in all 4 variants and was able to install it without any issues.
Thanks man for the mod, it makes it look a lot better, I've used your mod for the other f1 manager games. Keep up the good work.
T.Hanks happy you like it.
Really good mod. It's a shame that there are people who are so stressful
I’ve mentioned it several times already, but I want to thank you all for the tremendous support. That’s why I want to continue offering my mod. This text is entirely unique and definitely not copy-paste.
Love your work! The "other" graphics mod doesn't even work for me and this one does and make the game so much better!
Ty for the words :) happy to hear that
This is by far the best graphic mod and PLEASE DON'T LET A PAIR OF CHILDREN TURN YOU AWAY FROM IT! The download numbers, ratings and comments alone show how much this mod is appreciated and loved. Please don't give up and keep going, I'm sure you can get a lot more out of it.
I’ve mentioned it several times already, but I want to thank you all for the tremendous support. That’s why I want to continue offering my mod. This text is entirely unique and definitely not copy-paste.

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