Maspalomas Circuit - Gran Canaria

Maspalomas Circuit - Gran Canaria v1.0

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Más estrecho que el circuito real, muy bacheado y con bordillos mal puestos en los que se clipea el coche. Subidas y bajadas que no tienen nada que ver con la realidad, zonas del exterior de pista en las que terminas cayendo al vacío y un largo etcétera de cosas mal hechas y sin terminar.

Mucho por mejorar, no perdáis el tiempo.
Iconic circuit of the island of Gran Canaria.
estaria perfecta si en box hiciera el cambio de ruedas etc... seria espectacular, espero actualizacion, muchisimas gracias por la aportacion.
Thanks a lot! incredible work!!!!!!
The starting grid spots seems to be a little to much close to each other but this is a very well done mod track.
perfect . love canarias
Very interesting and funny track.
Well done "as it is" but it seems to not being on its final stage.
Any update planned ?
Buen trabajo cranck, este el circuito que uso para los test de RL ... deberias de ponerte manos a la obra para que en cuanto salga las fisicas de neumaticos de tierra hacer el circuito islas canarias :) ... nice work mate .. ya tu sabes chacho :P
Nice and tricky track, gracies macu
gracies ;)
Thanks for the track. The AI have trouble on pit lane. Its hard for them to leave if a car is in front. They race well on track and overtake like they should if they can get out of the pits. Other than that its all good.
It never happened a pilot can not find the way back to the pit stop?
I'm sure the islanders do the test to get a driver's license on this track ...

Jokes aside, congratulations on the excellent work!
Another track of High Class in AC (lucky for us).
Thank you.
just tried it. It's great! Thank you very much for this

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