Lush green Laguna Seca skin

Lush green Laguna Seca skin 01.02.2020

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I like this very much. Thank you.
No idea Laguna Seca could look that green. Thanks a lot for this amazing skin, it really gives a nice fresh new look to the track.
  • Deleted member
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: 01.02.2020
great- saw it today on an older yt vid -didnt know this green
Thanks for sharing the Laguna Lush it's soooo gooood!
that grass !
dont work
do work
Just what we need, I'm really sick of that sandy look of Laguna Seca.
thanks ...
Excellent, thanks!
I was sent to Monterey on business a few years ago, in the winter, and was surprised to see how very green the Laguna Seca campus was at that time of year. This looks EXACTLY as I remember it while flying over the track that day... especially during the cloudy weather. Thanks for taking the time to make this; the track doesn't always look like it's in the middle of the desert, and this adds some refreshing variety.
It also works great with the skin that updates the track with 2019 billboards and signage.
Superb addition to spice up a dry and dusty track. Looks great - nice one :)
Finally got a chance to try it. That's a whole new Mazda Raceway, much easier on the eyes ! Good job, thanks for sharing.
ragazzi ho seguito il procedimento di sopra ma non ci riesco, chi sarebbe cosi gentile da spiegarmi come aggiornare AC alla versione primavera?
Google translate says: "guys I followed the above procedure but I can't, who would be kind enough to explain how to update AC to the spring version?"
Do you use Content Manager? If you installed as per the instructions just select the 'Spring' skin in the drop-down box (that probably says 'no active skins' at the moment) just under the little preview picture of the track on the screen where you select 'Go' to race. Hope that helps! If you've never actually used the skin though, why are you reviewing it four stars? Why not ask the question in the 'discussion' thread first, then review it AFTER you've used it?
Excellent job, sir! :)
yep another excellent job! Thanks for this
Took me a while to work out that I needed to select 'Spring' in Content Manager. Newbie still finding my way around all this worderful new world :-) Anyway... brilliant addition to a favourite track. HUGE thank you from me!
MrWaflz55 from GTPlanet. I thought Laguna looked quite dreary in the base game and you fixed it quite well for me. Thanks a lot. I’m going to drive there much more often now.
Very nice, solid work, thank you for sharing.
Cool eye candy! Looks really good. Thank you
Oh wow! Good idea :D

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