Nurburgrin 24h was done by user: Naybour
I just merged in, thanks very much for adding the file to the comments section.
I'm not playing ACC so much recently, if you want you could also create and Red Bull Ring and that other new track IIRC on Spain.
Before you ask about indianapolis:
- Zolder updates after kleine Chicane: better mapping of Sacramentshelling, Butte, Villeneuve Chicane and Terlamenbocht.
- New font that handles better some non common chars, like ä ö ü;
Basically makes it work on all simhub installs, last version was using some data from ACC-CDS, if user had not ACC-CDS installed it would fail to detect the track name.
This also uses another font and adds some font shadow/blur so it will always be visible even on white background.
- If your current version works fine no real need to update, but you may have a look as this version uses a different font (Eurostyle).
- This version basically makes it easier to create different designs editing a single text file.
This version has one goal: fully follow what's on:
This means, corner number? only if that is present on
Overall positioning and naming adjustments.
- Not sure if it will work perfect with simhub < 7.3.6, as there were some trackID changes on the latest updates, so use 7.3.6 - or higher.
- Please report if something is out of place as I did the fix job but not actual test runs.
Silverstone: Set the correct GT layout instead F1 layout.
Monza: Added curva del serraglio, set only Ascari for all the 3 corners.
PR: Fixed ranges and some corner names.
Bathurst: It's difficult to get the exact ranges of the parks on top, improved those based on more maps analysis. Forrest Elbow fixed.
-> Will not maintain the version that has not the Turn numbers, so this zip only contains the version that has T1/T2/T4 in the name
-> This version also removes excessive verbosity on all tracks, for example 'Ligne Droit du Mistral' is way to big and everyone only knows it by 'Mistral' or 'Mistral Straight'. The same for example on Zandvoort where all corners finish with 'bocht', for example the first corner instead being called 'tarzanbocht' is now 'tarzan'.
Just increases the box size so some track names don't get cut, eg. before Mistral straight in P.R.
As the full package, tips to improve it are welcome, as all the corners where created using maps found on the internet.
Some corners, that are known by the name itself or are self explanatory I didn't added the Turn number, example: suzuka - 'first turn' and 'spoon', Laguna - 'cork screw' and some others.
If you find typos or misplacement please let me know, as on this version I updated some corners and better ranges.
T4 is called Mansell
T11 is called Alesi