Info: Please report all bugs/suggestions/questions in Discussion!
Planned features:
- Keybinds to start/stop the Jonnez
- Keybind to toggle the kickstand from about 2 meters distance
- Configuartion settings(modsettings) if you dont like a full startup for example, I personally only use space for the kickstarter without autotoggle.
- Standard keybinds:
- space to start Jonnez(you need to sit on it)
- left shift + space to stop the Jonnez
- left shift + left alt to toggle kickstand from a far(about 2 meters)
Planned features:
- bugfixes/adjustments when nessasary
- nothing known
- nothing known should run with everything
- Make sure you have MSC Mod Loader
- Unzip to your mods directory