Game changing for VR after you get it dialed. More frames, more clarity, bigger reflection and light pops, more intuitive sliders added for just quick adjustments. Best PP Filter/LUA Ive tried in conjunction with Pure.
I highly recommend following the full setup for VR guys to use OpenVR/XR/Frankenstein style setup if you're PCVR for the best frames and visuals Ive gotten out of any combo yet. YMMV, VR is finnicky, but mine has been flawless since this combo.
Setup is easy with instruction but isnt going to be a drag and drop. If you mess it up, its not hard to fix. You likely just have the wrong version of something (I had an older version of Pure still). Make sure to follow the step as well of resetting the new sliders, or if you're in VR you'll flashbang yourself if you dont turn the filter off first, set the new sliders, turn the filter on.