You know how race commentators will mention a track's irl bumpy surface and then you play that track in a game and it's smooth as glass? This track stole all those bumps for itself :P
Proper worn in track and it's now my fave in AC, thanks mate!
This is among the very best mod tracks ever made for AC. Great layouts. Exceptional attention to detail. A superb effort in every way.
Big thanks to Ghoults for the all the work put into it.
Great FUN! Looks good with lots of details and has a fantastic road feel.
And the layout is awsome!! Here is my first race at the track:
Played a Pantera Gr.4 one make race last night on the trophy layout and had a bloody blast of a time! I want to thank you so much for your hard work. Cheers from India.
Really enjoyable layout! Looks really good too. Would be nice if the preview.png was more conventional with a photo instead of bright green, but just nitpicking!
Thanks for the review. Photo previews instead of green icons was something I thought about. If there are issues I need to fix with a patch I think switching to photo preview images could happen.