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Honda Acty Truck (HA3) Ver 1.0

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Honda Acty Truck (HA3)

I made a Honda k-car truck HA3 acty.
Supports basic expressions using custom shader patch
・wiper animation

Made by myself
・EngineSound data
・Physical data

Skin template

There will be missing shift boot and some bug reports such as sound will be corrected next time.Thank you for the report
  • Screenshot_honda_acty_ha3_na660_imola_28-10-119-3-3-17.jpg
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  • Screenshot_honda_acty_ha3_ks_laguna_seca_5-9-119-5-31-40.jpg
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Latest reviews

Such a amazing.
I owned this car in okinawa. the price was $2000
It is my favorite :D
Love the car, amazing design! Just one problem with it. After hitting around 20 kph or 13 mph my steering wheel bounces back and forth like my ffb is broken. Any solutions for this?
One of the good kei cars avaible for ac
I really like these trucks and when i saw this mod i had to get it but when i drive it my wheel just goes from right to left like my ffb is broken. if any has a solution please let me know
Disclaimer: I've never driven a Honda Acty in real life, so I can't comment on how realistic this mod is, only how fun it is to drive.

And it's a ton of fun! The thing about these kei vehicles is, they always seem to feel really fast despite their actual lack of speed, at least in games. That's a characteristic the Acty truck shares. It's genuinely fun to drive: sharp cornering due to its light weight, and some lift-off oversteer to spice things up. There's a ton of body roll, but never so much you feel like you're gonna flip. Quite the opposite: I once ran over a really steep hill on the inside of a corner, and the Acty handled it perfectly. It wasn't even close to flipping.

Others have mentioned the terrible fuel economy, and by default, the economy is really terrible, to the point that it seems super unrealistic. The point of these kei vehicles is to be as economical as possible, yet it only took me around 45 minutes of highway driving on the Shutoko to almost run the poor little Acty out of gas. Digging around in the files, I was able to find the [FUEL] section in /data/car.ini and change the consumption value from 0.00700 to 0.00070 - effectively reducing the fuel consumption by 100 times. Now it seems a lot more realistic given the engine's displacement and the car's weight. If you decide to try this car, I would do that first. Still... totally worth it.
So cute!
A very nice addition to the game, and great attention to details. Thanks !
One of the best kei mods out there! Only big problem is the fuel consumption that is way too big, but that is very easy to fix yourself since data is not packed.
It looks great. I love that one of the color schemes has rust spots. The power curve feels pretty accurate, the engine gets bogged down in 4th on the slightest incline, as it should.

Besides the weird fuel consumption, I have one minor complaint - the suspension doesn't feel quite right to me. The suspensions on these little trucks are usually very stiff when unloaded since they have to accommodate a heavy load (compared to the weight of the truck).
Everything perfect except fuel consumption. A 6.6L engine will consume less fuel than this 660cc one.
I love it! Only one problem: Fuel consumption. I only managed 26 km on the nordschleife using a full 37 litre tank. Not enough to do an outlap followed by a hot lap. Is there a way I can adjust this. It work out about 2 mpg!
I adore little, slow vehicles and this is a cracker
For a Kei truck i have never heard of I gave it a blast. Had a bucket load of fun. The mod has great looks and plenty of detail even down to the rust on the side of the frame. Force feedback feels realistically vague with light steering and you can really feel the weight transfer as it teetering around high up on its skinny tyres!
Good little truck. As a drifter can't wait that a guy make it tuneable (stiffer suspension, locked diff and why not wider angle !) with all those settings adjustable. Low power drifting FTW ! Can already slide it on wet but with a good setup that thing can be a killer even with only 41 bhp ! Always wanted drift low power stuff :) In japan they slide those stuff especially on wet like it was 300 hp cars !
Sorry, nice idea, very nice car but horrible movement right-left of the steering
This mod is really cool, but I can't use it when I want to play online, can this be fixed?

it says "Cannot join the server: no available slot"
Love this little truck, feels a lot faster than it is, specially when driving it on one of the Japanese touge tracks. Model is spot on, has all the details that matters, except missing blur rims, interior lighting and LODs, but they're only minor things. Thanks for sharing this little gem!
Well done!!! It is a cool quirky little truck, looks great and functions very well. I added a slightly more powerful option for the tracks with longer straights and can confirm a Porsche 911 RSR engine + Turbo, 6spd H-Pattern on the standard tires is not a very good idea at all.

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File size
23.3 MB
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4.79 star(s) 34 ratings