Thank you for this track. I like "reversed" tracks.
I noticed only some little bug:
1) the Safety Car did not appear at the end of the pit-lane, because there was a little error in its definition (POS and ORI rather than PITPOS and PITORI). I fixed it.
2) some car during qualifying session did not leave the pit: i added the line GarageDepth=3 in the .AIW file to fix it.
3) AI cars are not very fast. I tried to increase their speed changing the value MidAdjust from 1.0000 to 1.0700. I also added the lines QualRatio=(1.0200) and RaceRatio=(1.0500), as in the original track. Now the AI cars are not still perfect, but they are faster than before.
4) some "gear-indicators" appear where they have no-sense. For example, in the middle of the main straight appears the indicator "1". The same indicator "1" appears in other places where it's not necessary.