Currently the Hamburg map uses a mix of 2d and 3d trees to meet all demands regarding visuals and performance. If you dont like the 2d trees at all, you can no completely exchange them with 3D Trees (thanks to user
MoriSan for this addon)
This will give you less variation in vegetation and it might perform a bit worse, but its a quick alternative if you cannot stand the 2d trees.
(Personally I still recommend the original 2d trees for better performance and overall more detailed visuals/vegetation)
You can donwload the 3D Trees Addon for FREE here:
(made by morisan) Currently the Hamburg map uses a mix of 2d and 3d trees to meet all demands regarding visuals and performance. If you dont like the 2d trees at all, you can no completely exchange them with 3D Trees (thanks to user MoriSan for...