Ginetta SuperCup 2017

Ginetta SuperCup 2017 1.7

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Great car, it handles very nice. The only thing is missing wipers function. Can you please, please implement it. Thank you :)
this is just a SUPERB mod, thank you, excellent feedback and track feel, great cars, brilliant!!!!
Great car. Feels so good and natural to drive.
Thank you!
So many years later I came back here to test if your car still holds well in this world of amazing mods. And I wasn't surprised by the answer, it does, a lot. Unmatched in the balance of fun, challenge and raw racing. Thank you so much my friend.
très agréable a conduire bravo
great car
thank you very much.
Really great mod, with a lot of liveries! Thank you very much. I'm hoping for an update with working wipers ;)
better than official cars ! superb job.
Bloody amazing. One of the best cars I've driven in any sim.
Excellent, thank you :)
I am still loving this. So fun.
Bit of a gem this one. Looks nice. Has excellent handling, great sounds and pretty good force feedback even on my old G27. Great work by the devs!
Beautiful piece of work - great to drive!
Blown away by the level of detail in the model and the authenticy in the handling. Perfect.
Thanks, love it.
Thanks a lot for all that's you have done for the community, if AC is still alive now it is thanks to people like you!
I love it. Thanks
Fun! Fun! Fun!
Great car and so funny to drive. Excelent job!

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