Small update to the resource to include a track skin for winter driving that removes the leaves from all the deciduous trees. CSP\Sol\Pure is required because the trees are not white by default. You need to use CSP's seasonal adjustments in order for it to look right.
A huge thank you to Fat-Alfie for letting me add this to the resource. The track is really fun to look at if you drive it in the winter time with no leaves on the trees. At least it is to me. Just makes it look more realistic.
Added missing lights on front stretch\pit area. Added hints of light to houses so it doesn't look like no one is home all the time.
To be safe, delete all existing files from the track's extension folder before extracting if you used previous versions of this mod.
Another one of these optional updates. Like the last one, this one concerns grassfx. Never was a big fan of the grassfx totally disappearing in the winter. In real life, grass doesn't disappear in the winter. It just gets thinner and doesn't grow. So I fooled around with the settings and came up with this. Probably needs tweaked, but I like it so far.
Spring, summer and fall should look about the same as before. In the winter, the grass won't be as high in all areas as it is in the other seasons, but it will still be there (see pictures below).
To revert back to the old method of grassfx, open up the ext_config and look for these two lines:
[INCLUDE: ext_config-grassfx.ini]
[INCLUDE: ext_config-new-grassfx.ini]
Change the one to ACTIVE = 1 and the other to ACTIVE = 0. There is an entry listed as [INCLUDE: ext_config-new-grassfx-full.ini]. If you want to try this one, disable the others and set it active. The only difference with this one is that grass will grow on the dirt parts of the grass texture. I don't mind it because it frames the road nicely so you can give it a try if you want.
Will be updating my Deutschlandring and Bremgarten resources with this new grassfx when I get the time.
Small update if this interests you.
Was turning some laps last night and got to thinking, the grassfx in the countryside areas between towns shouldn't look so properly cut. So I played around with the grassfx settings. What you'll see is nice cut grass when you are around homes or towns, but much higher grass when driving through the countryside areas. You can play around with the shape size numbers to get grass heights you prefer. If you don't care for this change, just open up the ext_config file and set the INCLUDE: ext_config-new-grass.ini section to ACTIVE = 0 and things will go back to the way they were in the last version.
If you don't use this mod for the seasonal changes, but like the concept of the grassfx, there is a non mod user folder with Fat-Alfie's original ext_config that includes these new grassfx settings.
Lastly, a small skin (Winter Vegetation) was added that will eliminate the red flowers in the winter time if that bothered you. You only need to activate it when driving in the winter. You can use it all the time if you like, but the red flowers in the summer will be orange instead.
Small tweaks to a few things. No need for the update unless you are interested in these two things.
-- Added my own grassfx entries. The original ext_config file had a grassfx entry, but I made it more to my liking. It extends the grass fx out to the road edge. If you want the original look back, open the ext_config file in a notepad editor and scroll almost to the bottom to the two [GRASS_FX] sections. Change the first one from ACTIVE = 0 to ACTIVE = 1 and delete everything from the second [GRASS_FX] section all the way to the bottom of the file. Or simply restore the ext_config from the previous version.
-- Small reduction to the vibrancy of the fall colored trees.
If you want tweak the vibrancy of the fall colored trees, open the ext_config file and look for this section:
MATERIALS = trees-decid?
KEY_0 = seasonAutumn
VALUE_0 = 1.40
Raise the VALUE_0 number to increase the vibrancy or lower it to decrease the vibrancy. Go in .05 increments either way to start with. The original value was 1.50 if you prefer the old look.