I tried everything i could, but i wasnt able to fix it with DRAG&DROP method. It was always blury when i saved it and then copypaste to the gamefolder. If you edit the ingame files with Ego ERP Archiver, it should work, but it still could have some issues. Im kinda frustrated coz im trying to figure it out why its bluring it for half a day and still didnt found the problem
sorry lads for bad news, ill look into it later for sure.
1. Open with Ego ERP Archiver:
...\F1 2020\2020_asset_groups\f1_2020_vehicle_package\teams\fom_car\wep\fom_car.erp
2. Look for
livery_f170_01_d.tif, select it, and import the texture coresponding with your MY TEAM selected engine suplier (for example im driving with Honda engine so i will import the file ...\FNATIC F1 Team 1.02\ERP FILES\ORIGINAL\HONDA\HONDA D)
3. Repeat step 2 with
livery_f170_01_s.tif and import the texture with file ending with S (in my case, HONDA S)
4. Repeat step 2 with
fom_driver_**.tif (** is your chosen F1 number) and import the texture with file
5. Save the file
6. Open with Ego ERP Archiver:
...\F1 2020\2020_asset_groups\f1_2020_vehicle_package\teams\myteam_honda\wep\myteam_honda.erp
I opened this one because im driving honda powered car, if yours is for example renault the path will be
...\F1 2020\2020_asset_groups\f1_2020_vehicle_package\teams\myteam_renault\wep\myteam_renault.erp
7. Repeat steps 2-5.