Ferrari Estrella Galicia halo MOD [MODULAR MODS] 1.15 COMPATIBILITY

Ferrari Estrella Galicia halo MOD [MODULAR MODS] 1.15 COMPATIBILITY 2.0

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Very nice! Thanks for this, you're a legend!
its brilliant, bring the game more to real life but the logo is blurred
you have to put the crowd effect to ''very high'' it will be less blurry
THANK YOU!!! Mods like these make the game more enjoyable as the cars are more accurate. I hope you can fix the RB18 too, mainly removing the red stripe on the halo. Very well done, thank you very much.
Perfect! Can you add the yellow 'Ferrari' logo to the rear wing?
Nice addition, though for some reason the 75 years logo on the top of the engine cover was removed, would you mind fixing that please?
the fix is available
pourrais tu le faire sur la version jaune de monza ?
sure, its coming soon
Nice one

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