F350 Rust pack

F350 Rust pack 1.0

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Great skins, though I disagree with CobraCat's statement about the confederate flag & the swastika being one & the same, & agree that some redneck details would look right at home on this truck.... To CobraCat: You sir, are an uninformed fool. Another bandwagon jumper who hears this mindless drivel in the media & starts repeating it everywhere he can.... The request wasn't racially inspired at all, YOU alone took it there.
The whole idea of adding rust to it is great, but even though they look good on previews, in-game looks too low-res on certain parts, specially the normal map. The paint grain looks too big, out of scale, most noticeable on the hood and the door sills (only on showroom with doors open).
Still, the whole pack fits this vehicle perfectly, looks right at home on BCC :)
Thanks for the feedback :) I know about this, it was a compromise to keep the file size reasonable, maybe a bit too much...
Excellent Skins!!! Makes this wonderfull Mod look more real!!!
Thank you for sharing!!!
Nicely done ! This truck is a blast to drive.

No need for dixie flags as requested by the person below unless nazi swastika flags are added as well. Seeing as they are one and the same. If people want to offend, might as well offend everyone.
Awsome idea! Maybe you could add a few extra features like Dixie flags, Lynyrd Skynard stickers, stuff like that :)

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File size
25.9 MB
First release
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User rating
4.67 star(s) 6 ratings

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