F2002 Revisited

F2002 Revisited 1.1

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Overal it's pretty good just downforce data is too high for a 2002 car
Bobby Deacs
Thanks for review Jach. Question - do you have a spreadsheet or other source for your downforce data? I do everything by feel, but it's something I will correct if I'm too far out.
Great car. But this new version doesn't include any skin at all btw
Bobby Deacs
Thanks for your words, glad it's still good - well it always was good even when the guys at, what is now VRC, first made it. I put the skins in a link in the mod description. https://flag-to-flag.com/download/f2002-skin-pack/
thank you..
Nice. I un-reversed your reversed traction control because of all of the 800+ cars I have in my collection, this was the only one with reversed TC. For those who want to do the same, go to Content Manager, unpack data, look for the file "electricTC.lut" and re-sort the numbers so they go from lowest to highest.
thank you for sharing!!
F1 2002 0k Gracias =)
thank you :)
great job
Thanks a lot!
Nice rework, but you forgot to include the fonts and even the skins folder. If you expect people to have the original mod from way back then maybe give a link to it? A link to the 2002 season skinpack would be great as well. Cheers.
Bobby Deacs
Thanks for the tip - will amend post and edit to include fonts.
Great Job
great to see a car like this revisited, good job!!!!!