F1M 2024 KOREAN SPONSORS mix 1.2

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I am a Korean user who has enjoyed using the mods that many of you have uploaded.

While using them, I wanted to create something of better quality, so I learned how to do it through YouTube and spent an entire night working on it.

At first, I only planned to add the emblem of the Hyundai N series. But for fun, I ended up adding various things, and now most of the logos are from Korean companies.

I've also included some logos from official F1 partners. While there are no Korean companies sponsoring F1, so some of these might be unfamiliar, I think there will be some logos that you recognize.

I included the engine supplier’s logo to identify the powertrain being used.

In Korea, i need Coupang Play to watch F1 races, so I made sure to include the Coupang Play logo with some extra attention.

This introduction was translated with the help of ChatGPT.
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Latest updates

  1. less korean sponsors

    When I started this project, the plan was to only include Hyundai, Hyundai N (N line), GENESIS...
  2. add fuel suppliers & brembo

    replaced the less frequently used ones and the e-sports team logos with fuel supplier logos...

Latest reviews

안녕하세요. 적용해주신 모드 잘 사용하고 있습니다. 혹시 대한민국 공기업 버전으로도 리버리 로고 제작한번 부탁드려도 될까요?
The mod I was looking for, amazing
Amazing, thanks. I want more Ferrari logos and variants
Valorant Mentioned :0

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File size
6.3 MB
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5.00 star(s) 4 ratings