Hello, Thyo!
Not going to lie. I see a lot of potential from this mod :D Please take the rest of the things I say as constructive criticism. First of all, remove the blue from the car and have it all gray. (don't worry we'll add it in later) then remove the white border and the bottle from the Techron logo, Don't remove the text, also remove the Ferrari logo at the front :D Now take all of the logos and put them in a folder then add a white color overlay to the folder you just created :D Now make the Adidas logo, the pirelli logo, and the Maserati logo at the front a little smaller. Now we come to the fun part which is adding the blue back in :D (don't add to much blue) and make sure the designs are straight across and not curving down like on the engine cover The blue on the back wing looks really fantastic :) Now it is your mod after all so it's your choice whether you want to implement them :D
I hope this helps :D
But yeah, i'm making 2018 season mod for now, editing database, logo, cars and other things