F1 1988 Championship

F1 1988 Championship 1.1

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Great mod! Would be great to have full grid one day.
I can't get this championship to show in AC and/or Content Manager. I'm adding the folder to \Champs but it doesn't show.
Sorry for the late reply, you have to put in assettocorsa/content/career folder not in champs :)
For solvin your problems with missing gbW go to assettocorsa\content\weather and copy 105_gbW_2_Summer as 105_gbw_hot. Also copy 107_gbW_heavy_clouds bright to 107_gbW_sun breaks through. That should solve your problems. Excelet mod. Thanks
What version of gbW does it run on? The newest one does not seem compatible.
105_gbW_hot is missing on the weather. I can't play the championship.
track and all is great but i run into problem with content manager.. it says i do not have some track and some weather is missing..
Great Job !
Fantastic work, thank you for sharing.
Thanks to you for the rating! ;)

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