DriftMode - Competition drift gamemode

DriftMode - Competition drift gamemode 2.6.0

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Some track editor quality improvements and 0.1.79 fixes.


  • Beta: added "Generate inside" button; quickly generate inside line points after defining outside line
  • Added a handle to move entire zones around
  • Visual object highlight on track when hovering over objects in the editor
  • Small visual indication when hovering over "Inside" and "Outside" zone extension buttons
  • Highlight all movable points as small squares
  • Add colliders to clips
  • Added button to quickly invert clips
  • Some fixes for CSP 0.1.79 (Thanks @KamilLenica for the bug report)

Technical changes​

  • Serializer rewrite, basic classes do not need to implement de/serialization methods,
  • More Drawer... classes
Full Changelog: 2.5.0...2.6.0

Quick showcase:
Zone collisions and further GUI improvements.


  • added zone collision option
  • moved all mode settings to one control application
    • please run the uninstaller before upgrading to remove old files
  • made zone traces bigger (no longer drawn with debug functions)
  • disabled drawing zone traces by default as it was using a lot of render time
    • an option to have it always on will be added later
  • crossing the finish line will show the zone traces
  • respawn line replaces the finish line functionality
  • some minor calculation optimizations
  • fixed hardcoded image resources absolute paths (embarrassing really)
Full Changelog: 2.4.0...2.5.0

New control app look

Visual and major backend update.

Major changes​

  • zones and clips are of the same class now; can be shown in same menus, lists etc.
  • visually updated scores app
  • scores app is now responsive, choose what information to show by resizing
  • further improvements to course editor
  • all objects can be now edited and deleted regardless of editor tab open

Technical changes​

  • moved classes from proprietary design to CSP classes,
  • implemented Drawer interface to draw objects as dependency inversion classes for most objects
Full Changelog: 2.3.1...2.4.0

New course editor look

New scores app look
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  • Enabled graphics clipping.
    Zones/clips/etc. are no longer always visible through environment and are properly obscured by 3D geometry.
Full Changelog: 2.3.0...2.3.1
Rewritten track editor.
No need to edit the course files directly anymore, everything should be possible to do from the game itself :)


New editor features​

  • Remove zones/clips
  • Reorder zones/clips
  • Adjust speed/angle scoring ranges
  • Drag & drop zones/clips/other points to adjust position
Full Changelog: 2.2.2...2.3.0
Zone outside buffer and other minor improvements.


  • Running wide in the zone will continue scoring at 0 multiplier as long as rear bumper's center is in the zone; this small buffer keeps the zone active, so the car can be adjusted back into it instead of closing the zone after stepping out.

  • Start/finish lines are triggered with front bumper instead of car's origin (car's center).
  • Last loaded course is remembered and reloaded after restarting the game.
  • Reordered "The Donut" zones, such that "Final Bend" is last on the list (cosmetic change).
Full Changelog: 2.2.1...2.2.2
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Some bugfixes and courses update.


  • Redid "Short loop" course for Kunos Drift track.
  • Added "The Donut" course for Kunos Drift track.
  • Fix for tracks with multiple layouts. Thanks @Tzenamo for the bug report!
  • Clip default max points lowered to 1000. I feel a more sensible default.
  • Fix for when teleporting to start point from finish line, start line could be triggered.
  • Manually resetarting a run does not reset the score. Crossing the start line will do it anyway, and previous run trails can be examined.
  • Scoring UI for clips will correctly display performance as speed * angle instead of additionaly multiplying by hit distance from the clip origin.
  • Added an uninstaller to remove legacy files.
Full Changelog: 2.2.0...2.2.1
A lot of new features and improvements!

New features
- Clipping points support, at last!
- Scoring clips, and now also in zones, recognizes which side you're facing, thus scoring the appropriate bumper point; remember to correctly setup the car through control panel app!
- UI elements are now regular apps that can be moved around or hidden instead of drawn directly on screen
- Max/min speed and angle are now defined per course; for now there's no UI to set them, but you can change them in the JSON track config files directly, look for `ScoringRanges` element,
- Scoring in zones and clips will leave a trail you can check out after the run to see your drift lines. It's color coded with magenta = low performance (low speed and angle), green = good performance,
- Added back a course for `irwindale_fd`; updated existing courses to new schemas.
- Updated the car setup alignment visualization, which now better conveys what to aim for,
- Changed default max angle from 60 to 45, rationale:
Playtesting showed reaching 100% angle is infrequent, dependent on the turn characteristics and more often than not heavily lowers final score artificially.
Initial idea for high values for max speed and max angle was to provide a reward for exceptionally well performed runs, but in reality this has been limiting scores for average runs to ~20-30% perf. range, even with good speed and ok zone depth.

Note: track configuration schema has changed, but mod will automatically convert it internally so your current configs are backwards compatible. When you open the game and load your config, please save it unchanged so it'll save it with new schemas.

Full Changelog:
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Teleport back to start after finishing the course.

- Starting point/start/finish lines creation from the app
- Crossing start line resets the scores
- Crossing finish line teleports to the starting point
- Track patching system to enable extended physics needed for teleportation
- Scoring system improvements
- Zone score is now also dependent on how long you've driven it length-wise
- This will prevent high scores when only touching it for a moment with high multipliers
- Minor UI improvements
- Two Drift Playground map configurations featured in the gameplay video:
- Lowered speed needed for maximum speed multiplier from 100 to 50
- Todo: this should be configuration depended, as well as max angle

Full Changelog: https://github.com/Brewsk11/ac-drift-mode/compare/2.0.0...2.1.0
Major release mainly because of the underlying framework changes which comparing to 1.1.0 revamped the approach as I'm learning more Lua.
Note: previous track configs won't work.

Gameplay features
- Unified setup and play mode into one
- Redid the app UI
- Improved the score UI with a score per zone display
- Multiple configs per track support
- Revamped the scoring system, a maximum score is now fixed per zone and you can score a part of it depending on drift quality (speed, angle, distance to outside line); it is very easy to cheese now, but will be improved
- Restart run functionality bound under "Extra option F" in Content Manager,
- A zone once left cannot be scored in again (per run)

Code changes
- Moved more or less completely to OOP approach for Lua significantly simplifying development,
- Major `EventSystem` optimizations, now `listen()` is very cheap,
- Many less major and minor improvements and bugfixes

- Changed colors of the graphics to white/blue palette

Full Changelog: https://github.com/Brewsk11/ac-drift-mode/compare/1.1.0...2.0.0
Refreshed UI scoring visualization.
Since it's so much clearer I decided to pospone rest of the features planned for v1.1.0 to v1.2.0.

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Brewsk11/ac-drift-mode/compare/1.0.2...1.1.0
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Bugfixing release maily for setting up zones and score calculation. Also, uploaded some graphic designs.

## Bugfixes
- Hotfix for hotfix 1.0.1 where I literally missed a line to delete
- Fixed cross section calculation needed for scoring in concave zones. It's still not ideal, but much better.
- Removed AW939 metions in manifests files, which I took as template for this project. Sorry!

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Brewsk11/ac-drift-mode/compare/1.0.1...1.0.2
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## Bugfixes

Hotfix for zone creation bug.

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